Who is she?

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Here's a new chapter, enjoy

The next day......

Kol's pov

It's been one day since I discovered a girl in the church attic along with Elijah and she is still yet to wake up. She lies completely motionless, the only thing that tells me she's alive is her beating heart and the little mumbles that escape her lips. I honestly don't know why she hasn't woken up since she seems completely fine there are no injuries on her body and yet she still remains still. I had moved her from my bed to one of the spare rooms in the house and me and Rebekah have kept checking on her. Rebekah is genuinely curious about the girl and Elijah went oddly quiet after seeing the tattoo on her wrist and the symbol that was on her necklace.

Marcel is aware Elijah and the girl are gone and he came over in an outrage yelling at Nik and demanding to see Elijah and for him to hand over the girl but Nik simply told him there was no girl, that Elijah had came back alone and while Marcel wasn't entirely convinced he dropped the matter but he's put a hunt on for the girl. He's determined to find her and get her back in his possession and of course the news that Marcel lost his supposedly secret weapon caught the attention of the witches and they've gone frantic and put on a search of their own even though they don't even know what they're looking for. 

I was currently sat in the living room as Nik and Elijah were sat on opposite couches reading while a random lifeless woman bleeds out on the floor. Rebekah storms in "what do you call this?!" she yells "well it was peace and quiet until you stormed in" I retort with a smirk "shut it Kol. What's with the sudden vampire book club?" she asks pointing to Elijah and Nik who are engrossed in the books they're reading "well Nik is reading on impending fatherhood and Elijah is well I don't really know what Elijah is reading but it looks boring" I reply Rebekah rolls her eyes "are any of you even going to clear up the mess?" she asks pointing to the dead girl bleeding out on the floor "it's not my mess to clean up. Niklaus made the mess so he should clean up" Elijah replies "the woman was a peace offering for Elijah to try and make amends but he declined my peace offering and I couldn't let such good fresh blood go to waste" Nik retorts with a smug grin on his face "so you let the woman bleed out on a 200 year old carpet? Well that's just typical of you Nik" Rebekah responds with sigh. "I suppose I'll be the one to clean it up as I know Kol isn't going to do it and I'm not going to allow the pregnant wolf to do it" she says before exiting the room just as Hayley enters "what did I miss?" she asks glancing around the room with her hands on her hips "nothing much" I reply she hums and looks at Elijah "what are you reading Elijah?" she asks "I'm reading a book about meaning of symbols" he replies catching my attention "why?" I ask he sighs and closes his book "the symbol the girl has on her wrist and necklace. The symbols are very old, they're ancient and I want to find out what they mean" he replies Nik looks at Elijah "maybe if we find out what the symbols mean we can find out how to wake her" he says making me roll my eyes "I'm honestly not surprised she hasn't woken up yet. Falling from the sky like she did probably gave her a right knock on the head" Hayley says finally speaking up catching all our attention at her words "come again" I say she frowns "what? You don't know do you?" she questions "know what?" Nik asks she sighs "obviously you don't know" she replies "well do tell us, it might be helpful for us to know so maybe we can figure how to wake her and use her to our advantage" Nik replies making me and Elijah scoff and roll our eyes. "We are not using the girl Niklaus" Elijah says Nik rolls his eyes and turns back to Hayley "well do tell" he says Hayley sighs "two months ago when I arrived here and was basically taken hostage by the witches. Something odd happened, a bright rainbow light shot down from the sky and something was falling through it and there was a loud bang when it hit the ground. Both vampires and witches had gone to investigate where it landed but the vampires got to it before the witches did and I heard them talking about how there was a huge hole in the ground but the witches could sense something powerful had been there and they wanted to get it from Marcel to kill him and use it as a sacrifice to restore power and to resurrect some witches" she explains me and my brothers turn to look at each other. "So she came from the sky? How interesting" Nik says "that's not all. Apparently soon after the event happened a load secret agents from some government showed up to investigate the sight and when the witch Sabine attempted to sneak in and find out what they were looking for, she was knocked out and her memory was swiped" she explains "what was the name of this government agency that showed up?" Elijah asks Hayley shrugs "I don't know, the witches didn't say much when I was near but I do know whoever they were, they meant serious business and they were definitely after something, it was obvious something had crashed and they were determined to find it but they never did so they gave up and left" she explains "I want to find out who exactly this girl is and where she's from" Nik says "My name is Davina and I come from another realm" an unfamiliar voice says from behind Hayley. We all stand up on guard and turn to face the sudden intruder as Hayley turns around and steps back, we look ahead to see the girl Marcel had kept hidden in the church attic standing before us. She looks completely confused yet there's a guarded look on her face as she scans us all as if waiting for us to make a move "where the hell am I?" she asks her voice is strong and feminine and while she sounds young, she also sounds a lot older than she appears "you're in our house" Nik says she rolls her eyes "I can see I'm in a house dumb ass. Now tell me where am I?" she asks looking anxious and a little angry "you're in New Orleans" Elijah says she frowns "where's New Orleans?" she asks Nik scoffs causing her to instantly snap her head in his direction and glare at him causing shivers to run up my spine at the sudden coldness in her beautiful blue eyes "got something to say then do speak up" she says with authority in her voice as if she had no fear in speaking to him in such a way. "Careful of how you speak to me love or I'll rip your heart out" Nik threatens and Davina laughs "oh you are so cute. I haven't heard someone say that in a long time bearing in mind where I'm from nobody rips hearts out of people's chest, we prefer to stab or shoot each other" she says Nik growls and clenches his fists. "Don't growl it's not very attractive" she says making me chuckle "I'm going to give you five seconds to get out before I kill you" he warns but she doesn't seem fazed in the slightest "well you can try to kill me but I'm afraid you'll be very disappointed in the result. Now will someone please tell me where in the hell is New Orleans?!" she asks in a demanding tone "it's on earth" Hayley replies Davina looks at her "thank you and congratulations on your pregnancy" she says eyes moving to Hayley's stomach "how do you know that?" Elijah asks protectively stepping in front of Hayley "I can feel the life that grows inside her and my it's a precious one. You hold onto that little one and protect her with all you've got" Davina replies with a gentle tone "her?" Hayley asks Davina gives her a soft smile "you didn't know you were having a girl? Well congratulations again, your baby's a girl" she replies turning on her heal to leave "who are you?!" Nik yells "I already told you. I'm Davina" she replies "no who are you? What are you? Where are you from?!" he asks in a demanding tone causing her to scoff "oh you're such a rude man. Now I'm afraid I won't be revealing my identity to you since I well don't trust you and as for where I'm from well my home is a hell of a lot better than this dump and this realm altogether" she replies with a fake smile "you're saying you're from another planet? Why that can't be true" Elijah retorts Davina tilts her head in a cute way "I am from another realm. Earth isn't the only realm in the Galaxy now if we're done here I have things to find and places to be" she replies and before either of us can even respond she shoots up through the roof and disappears leaving a hole in our roof and parts of the ceiling and roof on the floor. Rebekah enters the room as we all stare up at the ceiling in shock "what the bloody hell did you three do now? Who made the hole in the ceiling?!" she asked looking pissed off and we all awkwardly look around at each other "it wasn't me!" me and Nik say at the same time holding our hands up in defence as Rebekah looks ready to throttle us. I look back up at the hole in the ceiling my wondering to Davina, the girl who just literally flew out of our house through the roof as if it was nothing "I want her found immediately and I want her dead!" Nik demands making me roll my eyes "she's done nothing to threaten us" I say he scoffs "did you not hear the way she spoke to me?" he asks "oh I did and I think it was pretty hot and brave of her. You know I like a girl who isn't afraid to talk back" I reply with a smirk he glares at me "she made a hole in the roof" he says I shrug "it can be fixed besides shouldn't you be celebrating the fact you're having a daughter" I say nodding to Hayley who hasn't stopped smiling and cradling her small baby bump since Davina told her she was having a girl. Nik sighs and looks at Hayley's baby bump with a small smile on his face before he quickly exits the room and I walk over to the coat rack to grab my jacket. "Where are you going?" Elijah asks "I'm going to find Davina. Can't exactly let her wonder free when Marcel and witches are after her and if what she said is true and she's not from this planet, she won't be familiar with anything so she'll need my guidance" I respond vamp speeding away before he can say another word.

End of chapter. What did you think? Davina woke up and made herself announced. She and Klaus didn't have a good first encounter. Davina didn't seem bothered of fazed by Klaus's threats or the way he was speaking to her. Davina told Hayley she's having a girl. Davina flew out the roof, what an exit. Kol's gone to find her claiming to want to help her. Will Kol find her? Will Marcel or the witches find her? What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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