22. Epilogue..

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Kong sits at his table and looks at all the pending works that are piled up on his desk. His seniors, like his former office, here also, had sent him unending soft copy proofs of their own work of last three days or more, drowning him literally with unending emails, as he starts up his office desk top.

He has been on paternity leave and this is the first day he joined back after more than six months . His colleagues give him disdainful looks and stink eyes and starts whispering around as Joshua drops him off at his office desk, as usual. Kong never even gives them a single glance back and resumes his work, trying to have some control over the workload thrown on him unnecessarily.

Kong is feeling upset anyways, as he is away from his babies and his mate, for the first time, after so many months. He has left babies , now five months old, in care of Mia, though he knows she is more than capable of taking care of them. Her brother will also come to help out in the household chores after his  internship work gets over late afternoon at the law firm. He is a smart decent fellow and was really angry on Mia for not contacting him before, and not informing him about Arthit and dire situation in the clan land.

But the circumstances with Kong, months earlier was tricky , since he was an unmated omega who was pregnant , Mia didn't want anyone to pass any judging glance on kong at his own home and place, not even her own alpha brother. So she had stoically kept away from contacting him. When kong became mated and claimed omega, only then she resumed her connection to her dear bro, Pat.. And he had been the extra useful hand as Arthit underwent his operation and also recovery for his injured arm, shoulder and the twins were born on their due date making the calm household quite eventful.

What was really surprising and shocking for Kong was Joshua and Arthit's interaction!

. Kong had insisted on taking Arthit to the hospital to show his arm and had been saddened to know, that Arthit knew all along that it can be rehabilitated by surgery and physiotherapy, but he couldn't do it due to circumstances as money . The surgery needed to be done fast, and already months had passed and chances of complete recovery was decreasing with passing time .

Kong,  then had insisted on spending the money that Mia had taken from his safe , for the operation, but Arthit inturn insisted it was for emergency and for babies if required or it's going to the orphanage like he originally planned ! . He had been very clear in his views , since Kong didn't have much savings, the mafia blood money could  be utilised for emergency circumstances pertaining to kong's health and delivery, or any untoward incidence pertaining to his precious family but not for his stupid arm.

The stubborn alpha had refused to even have further talk about the subject even when kong didn't speak to him for a day! Then Joshua came into the picture and had a close door chat with his mate for almost two hours  . What they discussed Kongpob didn't come to know , both insisted he didn't need to know anything now, and just take care of his own health as the due date was getting very near , but surprising and shocking Kongpob, Arthit had his surgery enthusiastically the very next day .

Kong smiles as he remembers the recovery time of his alpha as he came back from the hospital, both of them sitting on the lone bench in his humble backyard garden , sun playing hide and seek between clouds and the mates back to enjoying each other's company, soft touches and stolen kisses .. kong as usual completely forgetting to ask the reason of his sudden compliance to Joshua under the calming aura and soothing pampering touches ..

 kong as usual completely forgetting to ask the reason of his sudden compliance to Joshua under the calming aura and soothing pampering touches

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