9. tables turn

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Sun talks to Arthit.. and Arthit listens, he lets his wolf sun speak.. his wolf is a gentle giant.  Anytime things get overwhelming for him he starts to ramble on and on..Arthit patiently listening on and on..

" Jane is not as beautiful as him.."

" Hmm.."

" Singto is so cute.."

" Let's wrap it for today and let me go for gym ok? I need to burn some calories and clear my head.. just keep mum for sometime again.. you had your say.. "

" Ok , human .. I will go back to sleep, don't brush me off..but Jane's wolf, J , is ugly compared to Singto.. my lion.."

" Hmm.. go to sleep.. you hate exercises anyways."

Arthit knows sun will keep quiet, the wolf is not the talkative kind, just like him.. they  both like showing by actions.rather than elaborate speech., and they both have lots on their plate ..they are walking a precarious road..and Arthit knows that road is bound to hell.. no lover , no mate , no friendship is allowed..it's a lonely walk or he will prefer a sprint alone..

The gym is not empty as Arthit expected at such early hours of the morning..

" Hey my dear number 2, not jogging today up and down the hill.." Arthit is not thrilled to find number one at the gym..running full speed on the treadmill..

" No alpha.. thought about doing some weight press"

" No ,no.. take your weak omega out on run.. I want to see him , let me atleast get a glance of the omega who caught the fancy of the cold sun.." one smirks..

" He is recovering from yesterday night activities." Arthit fists are balled, controlling his emotions from showing.

" Hmm.. whatever .. short run then . Make him strong to breed or breed with Jane.. you know the instructions" alpha one's voice is commanding now..

" Ok alpha.." Arthit bows his head and makes his way to Kong's room..

He reaches in long strides, almost boiling in irritation and anger., and opens the door with one strong kick of his leg, expecting kong to get up from bed with a start .. but he finds the omega staring out of the bolted up windows .. lost in thoughts.. nothing can be seen, he is sure kong can't even make out night or day, but he is staring far far away somewhere in his mind's eyes.. he gets startled by the loud noise of the door being kicked open and steels when he sees him..

" so you ultimately took off your contacts .." this time the ocean blue eyes greets Arthit

Arthit comes near expecting kong to flinch back, after yesterday's harsh words or his cruel assault on him, while putting on the collar and also the day before when he completely subjugated him against his wishes,  but the blue eyes never stop sta...

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Arthit comes near expecting kong to flinch back, after yesterday's harsh words or his cruel assault on him, while putting on the collar and also the day before when he completely subjugated him against his wishes,  but the blue eyes never stop staring back at his warm brown..

The blue eyed boy (Completed)(M-preg)Where stories live. Discover now