11. Closer

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It's been two days since he has last seen his phi kit, he has tried to go to kit's room, but he couldn't go far as the guards have prevented him to go further inside the wing as after the attack many of the high clan leaders are injured including number two. All the omegas are served food in the room and have been told to not to go out anywhere.. for their own protection.

Kong goes out again today in the hope of getting a glimpse of his injured mate, he knows he looks like shit , his lips still cut and swelled up , his right side of the head has a visible purple bruise and prominent dark circles are around his black eyes , his own blue hidden by contacts .. two nights of sleeplessness has not helped his appearance at all.

He bumps into the person he never wanted to see again

" wow omega, you look like crap, don't tell me number two roughened you up that bad.. what did you do? Which sex command did you deny? You are really something if you have riled him up, you must be really disappointing in bed !" Jane smirks ..

" are we allowed to roam free"

" you got the collar, and then got beaten up ..poor you.." she chuckles not answering his question and not feeling sorry at all.. Arthit's rejection two days before very high on her mind..

" I guess we can roam free since you are walking free and spouting nonsense too."

" How dare you newbie.. you think you got class by getting the collar ! Trust me it can be taken off that easily too, especially since he started beating you up."

Kong doesn't wait for any more of her ramblings as he makes his way deeper into the wing to the alpha's room. That day he has discreetly followed the guard to know his quarters..
The guard is a fair and tall guy today, Kong had observed him that night, the only one showing real concerned face while carrying the alpha back to the room and also the most active in calling the required medical attention. Kong suppresses a relieved sigh as he approaches the guy..

" May I see the alpha once"

" Did he call for you?"

" No ..I..."

The guard recognises the omega, he is the one who first called out for help and discovered number 2., Probably saving his life..

" Go inside, he is sleeping."

Kong looks at him surprised but acknowledges the kindness with a nod.. the man is an alpha himself but for the first time he felt someone not looking at him with scorn or distaste..

He goes inside the room, slowly step by step..

" Run no escape.." Arthit is muttering in his sleep.

Kong paces up and put a hand to the forehead . He is right, his alpha is burning up..but immediately Arthit opens his eyes as the cold hand touches his forehead..startling kong, but he grabs his hand before kong can withdraw it ..

The other hand traces the bruise on his lips to the bluish wound on his side of head .. the eyes never leaving his ..

" does it hurt?" He hoarsely asks , kong doesn't know whether it's the fever or really kit showing concern ..

" you are burning up my alpha .. where is your medicine ."

Arthit silently points the table beside him., kong passes him the medicine, he hears a noise .. a small petite girl enters the room with a breakfast plate . She stops short seeing kong

" Maria leave , my omega is here, I need privacy" Arthit voice is hardly audible but the command pronounced .. the girl named Maria, kong suspects a beta leaves promptly keeping breakfast on the side table ..

Kong brings the plate to his side .. and starts feeding him slowly .. kit opening his mouth having the light porridge..

" do you still like spicy food my alpha .." kong asks seeing kit grimacing his face with every bite of the bland diet..

" hmm . I do ..kong .. can I ask you something .." Arthit knows the next words are dangerous but he needs to say it

" order me my alpha .. I am your slave remember ." Kong is surprised by the sudden docile alpha in front of him.. if the truth be told, he is being driven mad by this hot and cold .. morning one face evening another and now another , there's not a trace of hostility or domination in those warm brown eyes , if anything there is only Concern and is that regret!?

" kong I didn't want to hit you but you kept coming closer to me , don't come close to me ..I am a fire .. the real sun .. I burn everything."

Kong startles up again.. the word "burn"bringing back kit's mom's image being thrown in the merciless flames of the burning house .. what is his alpha implying!!

" you are asking me to keep my distance , you have no plans to mate with me ?" Kong asks the question of the hour , since the alpha is in a weird talking mood may be he can fortunately get some answers .. his journalist instinct back,.

" .. Keep away from me kong .." but he pulls him closer , opposite of what says.. Kong can still feel the temperature surge irrespective of the medicine., he knows he is bringing solace to this stubborn head..and his kit is now acting on the instinct of feeling better.. the mate bond telling him to cling to him and kong's Singto all willing to take care of sun .. his alpha, his burning light ..

"You need medical attention alpha. Let me call the guards"

" I just need you .. no I don't need you , stay away from me .. hide kong.." he is rambling now and shivering .. but takes him into a strong embrace

Kong doesn't struggle anymore and envelop the alpha deep in his embrace too, his own body heat and smell calming the shivering disoriented alpha .. he covers both of them in a warm blanket , Arthit mumbling hide and run .. and no escape over and over again.. he listens to it all, the pain, the fear that his phi kit keeps hidden deep inside his soul now bared for him to experience .

" kong they will burn you too ." He suddenly utters in the fever hazed state ..

"Nothing will happen to me if you are by my side just stay by my side .. don't push me away" kong kisses the plump pink ones .. for the first time to his heart's content as he opens his mouth for him.. he tastes and takes his fill , there is no hurry no anger no brutality only acceptance of kong by him atleast for now ,when he is ill ..

After sometime kong feels the lips not moving anymore , His phi kit has slept off , in between their making out , his tired ill body succumbing to the lull of his mates presence .. kong smiles as he caresses his cheek before snuggling back to him and sleeping off , his own sleepless nights catching up to him..


So both of them don't come to know when a man comes inside and observes them before going back to his room..

" how did the assassins fail?"

" he is strong my alpha"

" use his omega .. first time he has a weakness ."


A/n:: now the real deal will begin.. someone is targeting Arthit through Kong ..

And will their relationship be better after being closer?

Vote.. comment.. double update today but then I will take a little break..will come back by Sunday hopefully..can't promise . 🙏🙏

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