6. The black leather jacket

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First thing that kong feels, when he starts comprehending the world returning back to him is cold and the feeling of nausea. He feels such extreme nauseousness only during air travel and the thought completely jolts him up.. but why can't he move . He tries to move his hand , they are handcuffed together, when he gathers his little coordination , he understands he is blindfolded too and only in boxers or shorts and a thin shirt and his legs are chained to the planes seat . He is being treated like a dangerous prisoner.. he is sure the first step of breaking him has started .. to make him feel like a mere slave..

The smell of the garments are new and definitely not the ones he was wearing.. he has been changed, handcuffed and put on a plane blindfolded , thankfully his mouth is not gagged.

" anybody around I am going to puke" he tries to speak .. voice only coming out hoarse due to hours of non use ..

" puke and I will make you eat it." The harsh words are spoken quite near him.. and he feels a brown paper air sickness bag being pushed on his face ..immediately he pukes as the woman who spoke harshly kept on grumbling about pathetic sick omegas on bloody sex slave duties. 

Nothing comes out, only acid water for kong,  he didn't have anything since last breakfast yesterday at home .. all his thoughts of food and appetite gone with the arrival of Joshua yesterday. A glass of water is pushed to his lips as he dry hiccuped for sometime.. and he can only take few sips for his parched throat and bitter aftertaste in the mouth .. his stomach is still churning and he knows even water will come out if the plane doesn't stop soon..

" hey gather yourself together, the plane will land soon.. this was the last sickness bag.. one more time, you are really going to lick and clean it .. understood !"

Kong nods , the woman sounds gruff, middle aged and smells like a high beta. And kong knows she may not be empty threatening him.. he can feel the air pressure building as the plane starts to descend..and a sudden jerk when he almost falls from his sit, as his chained legs holds him.. and the plane after taxing for almost five minutes , comes to stand still..

" whose omega is this ?"

Kong hears a man speak as the cold dissipates, and door of the plane gets open ..

" no 3"

" I will let number 3 to come in, he has to decide finally, no two's omega got rejected again..master may want no 2 to have him, but I doubt he will ever agree to anyone, until forced again .. he is so choosy "

Kong feels so small, as he is discussed as a piece of meat, with no humanity and soul .

He hears heavy foot steps approaching and smell of leather .. disgusting mouldy leather, alcohol, cigarettes and something sinister like blood ..

"No no no" kong squirms he can't belong to any man ... "phi kit" his inner omega cries out .. what was he thinking agreeing to this? He should have killed himself like he originally planned , he should have when Joshua purposed him, with this vile mission and he knew he had no chance of escape .

But the faint chance that he will survive to become stronger even may meet phi kit through this ordeal kept him going .

But now as his hairs gets pulled and a thick slimy tongue flicks out moving around his neck going down, and then he can feel the crusted lips descend on him to taste him as his hair is tugged painfully back, the smell so putrid, humiliation so extreme that he pukes the little bit of water he had .. on the alpha's face ..

" yuckkkk.. what the fuck" ..

The man immediately jerks back.. giving him a push so hard that he smashes his back onto the plane window, he frail frame not completely thrown out of the seat by the painful tug of the metal chain around his ankles which he is sure  has cut him. ..

the pain of the injured arm and puking nothing, making the tears to fall freely at his own fragility and weakness ..

" kill this fucking puking omega .. just push him out of the plane door on return flight. Horrible horrible thing." The man shouts at the woman ..

" master three , he was air sick from beginning, pls pls forgive him.  The second doesn't have any omega for a long time .. if he also rejects him I will send him back home.. pls spare his life ." Kong is surprised to hear the pleading tone in the women's voice .. so she is not that bad huh..!

" second!! Are you even hearing yourself woman, the last of his omega was forced on him by the master one , like every omega before that, yea do that, force this thing on him. May be then, he will think of choosing his own and not being forced into mating to take care of his rut, he is one stubborn wolf." He spats on kong and leaves .. the women is heard sighing..

" what with you and puking , you insolent brat! You could have got both of us killed , thank god it's only water you puked!" She comes closer and whispers in his ears ..

" pray that number 2 chooses you . You don't want to be sent back, you will be given to the normal clan alphas and they do share, a lot .. or number three shouldn't change his mind and come back for you, he is not an easy one to forgive anything, the last one who spoke back to him  resisting knotting, lost his tongue ."

Kong shivers.. and tries not to cry..thrown from the plane will be a better fate , he agrees with Singto, his wolf .

" Don't puke anymore, don't try to do anything, I will request the second to come and take a look ..the guards are outside and they are merciless, don't make any sound .."

Kong nods again.. he is feeling awful.. his nausea back..the fasting stomach has definitely resurfaced his gastirits..and he knows his vomiting will not stop without the medicine, which is in his backpack. He has no strength or bravery remaining to ask for it.

Another leather smell greets him, as footsteps are heard climbing up the plane stairs..but this time he can smell the fresh leather with hint of caramel and sweet bitter chocolate..Kong starts crying..crying so hard ..and he pukes again..in exhaustion, relief and also in fear ..

" Sorry sorry master 2 he is not well but he is  well-behaved omega .. I guarantee..." Kong in his half unconscious state hears his phi kit speak..he is gasping for breath, the nausea hitting him hard , his stomach paining ..

" Stop with your ramblings woman, tell that idiot three I have chosen him as mine..write the number 2 on him and nobody should even look at him like this.. my omegas are not for display , they are my own play things..put a clean shirt and full pant on him before getting him outside.  Do you understand?! His voice raises just an octave but it's enough to send shivers of fear down the spine of everyone present..

And he leaves ..Kong can hear the footsteps going further away. The aura so cold, voice so merciless..

The women hurriedly gets up and Kong can feel his hands and legs getting unchained but the blind fold remains.. as he is put into a new shirt and full pants.. he is wobbling , he is not feeling well but what he is feeling in his heart is hundred times worse than his physical ill health. His phi is really part of this dark world, and he sounded so cold and distant.. and Kong is at his mercy now..

His wolf Singto assures him, he will be fine,

" Kong, he protected your  dignity even among all these. All is not lost" he tries to soothe his human..

" Hey get that Omega shit back at my concubine wing, I have changed my mind..." a voice shouts from outside.

Number three is back.

" phi kit where are you."


A/n::  hmm what can happen now ..

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