20. the end brush

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Kong awaits Joshua's arrival with bated breath. Mia has not failed to see how he was already awake when she had gone to wake him up. No amount of cajoling from her side could make him have more than two morsels of breakfast. Kong is too apprehensive about the detective's arrival that he cannot keep anything down.  Mia kind of guesses Kong must have heard their conversation that day, she sighs .. Joshua was right it's not wise to get Kong's hopes up.

The doctor's appointment yesterday also did nothing to ease her worry. The doctor was clear Kong is not eating well, irrespective of Mia's trying, he hardly eats properly. Just eat enough to satiate his hunger and his sleeplessness is not helping his health at all. Doctor told firmly he should stop going to office and take proper rest. He is carrying twins and it's a miracle he didn't suffer miscarriage early in the first trimester with such health condition. His date is next month and it will be another miracle if he carries them to full term . He is too weak.  Miracle don't occur Everytime.

" Kong you have to eat, and rest why are you going to office today..just take leave, didn't you listen to the doctor yesterday?"

" I will be fine..why is Joshua not coming till now?"

" Kong, Joshua will come..or Ralph. They will be on time,. Please sit down, it's not good for you to stand for so long."

" Mia, Arthit was good to the commoners of the land right? Common wolves used to love and respect him a lot, I guess."

" Why are you asking me such question!" Mia asked surprised..

" The only way he could have been saved if someone had stood at the side of the waterfall from the village below..and pulled him off the raging river swiftly."

" Kong .. he was very much loved and respected by common people all around.. even the omega concubines.. he kept all the other alphas in check..they never dared to put their foot out of line or misbehave with the weak in his presence. Satisfied,? now come-on and sit down from continually standing beside the window, you legs are getting swelled up.. come on sweety don't be stubborn."

Kong scowled but he sits in a little higher chair than the couch..it's difficult for him to sit on the couch and get up with the huge tummy and Mia struggles to get him up with all the water weight he has put on.. but his hands and feet are so frail..Mia sighs again as he draws the chair near the window ..so that he can see the small driveway clearly from where he is sitting..

Within ten minutes Joshua's car arrives and Kong perks up.. a rare shine colouring his blue eyes..expecting another figure to get down from the car along with Joshua.. but his face becomes gloomy and tears start to stream down seeing Joshua alone getting down from the vehicle..Joshua feels the eyes on him before he sees Kong.. he sighs, that stubborn moron mate never turned up. He, all but disappeared again into the wilderness.

He had sent Jeff in search for him , he never turned up the next day on the fields too when Joshua visited for the last time before boarding his flight back home.  None of the other wolves working knew about his whereabouts and they stoically kept mum.. his last card failed miserably. He slowly makes his way to the house.

He heard from Ralph what the doctor spoke yesterday, he has another stupid, stubborn,  love struck, young fool to convince that he should not work anymore and rest.

" Why is he crying?" Joshua kind of guesses why but he wants Mia to answer..

" He expected someone with you." Mia softly says..looking at Joshua's eyes , pleading for some answers herself..

" Kong, Mia,  he is alive. But he didn't come..he has again run away. Stop your tears.. he doesn't deserve them."

Kong doesn't answer him back..but gets up from the chair..

The blue eyed boy (Completed)(M-preg)Where stories live. Discover now