16. Hurricane (a)

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Arthit crawls onto his stomach deep into the wilderness as guns gets fired everywhere around him. Jugron's clan has, as expected created the facade of the meeting to execute him and number one of the Rojanapat clan .

Their men were prepared too, so it was returned fire by fire , blood by blood . He is again  back to no man's land and the snow covered terrain . He has separated himself from number one and his men. He knew he is going to be double crossed . All because of number one's lust for kong and fear of Arthit's strength as a higher alpha which surpasses Dave , the number one .

He wants his mate for his concubine wing and he considers Arthit as a threat to him because as Dave has grown older, Arthit has grown stronger with more leadership qualities . But still Dave has money and money speaks, which has bought the man loyalty but not respect which always irked him and sparked fire of jealousy. .

Arthit has saved money too but he doesn't really touch the blood money, he has always planned to give the money to an orphanage for taking care of abandoned omega and beta kids but now he hopes kong utilises it for his own future and when he is stronger and on his feet he can give back to the society like Arthit originally planned, if he never returns back to him .

He has left him a letter in the safe, describing his past life and his wish for future, it's like his own farewell will. He had written it the day Kong has walked back into his life, when  he discovered him in the flight, tied, helpless and vomiting . There are dried tear drops on the letter if Kong will look closely, it's all the regret from forcefully taking him that day and making him subjugate to Arthit's own vile actions..

But right now he has to keep his mate far away from him and his mind . He needs to climb up this mountain top and the tallest tree beacuse from there he will get the best vantage point to carry out the last part of his mission.

Arthit knows all equations of these clans . He knew when the old boss died that sooner or later he will be executed and many a times his own clan lower alpha's have planned to take his life only to fail miserably. Instead Arthit had eliminated them one by one and of jugron's clan too.

His mother for a long time, he thought was a mere concubine of the high alpha of rojanapat clan, the old man James., But nobody knew for long time that he was born, as his mother had  run away when she was pregnant with him in her first trimester . She never wanted him to be born among the clan and raised under the shadow of crime and drugs . But fate had other plans ..

one of the other concubine, mostly Dave's mom betrayed his mother to the clan, the reason, Arthit suspected was sheer jealousy. Though She never really knew who his mother truly was to The high alpha.

Arthit, himself had only discovered that when he was fifteen. His mother's photo beside the old man on his bedside. He understood that time that She was his mate but she chose to run away than be with him and his blood stained cruel hands..

Arthit never disclosed his identity to the old man till his last breath, but he resembles his mother too much. He suspects the old man knew who he was from the first moment he has seen him. But Arthit had never confirmed it to him, neither warmed up to him.

It was the only way he thought he could bring solace to his dead mother's soul..take her revenge for the constant chase she was subjected to through the nine years she protected him from his dark clutches and spiralling underworld.

For nine years they searched and constantly chased his mother as she ran from one place to another with him, never getting peace never getting a stable life. They didn't have much but those were Kit's happiest days irrespective of the shadow of the clan catching up to them always looming large at their horizon..

But sadly, even Jugron's clan came to know a high alpha kid of rojanapat clan is out there somewhere to take up the position of power when the old man will be gone . The older man's favourite concubine's son Dave was strong but was an indecisive and freviulent character , easy to manipulate and showed less leadership qualities, even at the age of sixteen . They wanted the new child out of the picture, the true leader of Rojanapat to be dead, before getting found by the Rojanapat clan and sadly they did find them both, Mother and son on that fateful day..

Krist died that day and Arthit was born.. the sun was born and krist would have remained buried forever, lost in the river that drowned him, if not for Kong.

A bullet almost grazes his shoulder as he writhes on his stomach on the snow ignoring the searing pain in his shoulder and right arm.. his vision is getting blurred with the sheer exhaustion and the fever coming back but he cannot stop now..he wants destruction of both the clans and he will not stop until he has achieved it..and today after killing the number ones of both the clans, if he still remains alive he will runaway with his mate..

Away from everything, to live a quaint life like his mother wanted. He loves writing , he loves reading..he is a self read man.. and he and his mate will build a life they both deserve. That's what his dreams are , that is his deepest inner desire..a peaceful life with his blue eyed omega, his mate..

As he reaches the mountain top,he can hear Dave's wolf Gardia approaching.. he changes into his own wolf sun..to climb up the top of the hill meandering through the boulders and loose rocks, nimble on his feet .

He can hear Dave's men and Dave approaching, and also jugron' s men approaching him..one pursuing the other and the end target always him.. both want his blood and each other's throats too.

He took his position.. changes into his human form and put his mask up.. very few people know how he looks in his human form and that had always kept him in advantage in fight and in hand to hand combat. He takes out the poison darts that he has made himself with choicest of wolf's bane and smiles as he sees Dave's trusted ones come up first in their wolf form followed by Dave.. he is on the highest branch of a tallest tree hidden by the thick leaves of the overgrown wilderness all around him and snow..it's on one end of the mountain where the mountain terrain steeply drops thousands of feet below..

He doesn't throw the first dart immediately and waits for the jugron's group to appear..and as expected, as Dave's group is searching for him, jugron's group arrives pursuing them..as they start killing and fighting with each other.. he throws the first dart to one of jugron's clan's man and before the other person fighting him could react he poisoned him too by another dart..both bodies fall with loud thud simultaneously. He started to take one after another hiding among the leaves like a shrewd cunning fox.. lessening the number of heads from hundreds, slowly but surely..

But his luck runs out as one drop of blood tricking down his open wounds falls on the alpha of jugron clan he was planning to eliminate, who was standing right below the tree.. all of the fighters have suspected someone is doing gorilla attack on them from the trees and men now fighting with each other also come closer to the trees searching for the invisible assassin.

That is when the alpha smelled the sweet blood tricking down the bark and falling on his hands.. he immediately looks up and discovers the brown orbs and the dart staring right back at him but before Arthit can shoot he has already started to climb up the tree..rapidly changing into his wolf form..


A/n:: this will be continued next chapter ..how is the chapter and the thrill , fight and Arthit's past?

But Kong, what is he doing?

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