12. Arthit the sun

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Kong wakes up to see he is alone on the bed . His phi kit no where to be seen.. he gets up feeling something sticky on his lips and side of the head.. he touches it to discover some antiseptic cream, phi Kit's own medicated cream, applied on his lip and on the visible bruise on the head .. but where is his bull head mate? He is still recovering where did he go now ?

Mariam, that girl from earlier, comes inside with the dinner trays, this time two.. and gives a soft smile to kong surprising him.. places the trays on the small bedside table and leaves with a nod at his direction..

" Ohh it's dinner time already." Kong muses alone,they both slept the whole day, no wonder he is feeling so fresh..

He hears door getting opened  from the right and kit comes inside , he realises there is a door connecting to another room, Kit's part of the wing is much bigger than his. 

Arthit had gone for a bath while Kong was sleeping still , not disturbing his peaceful slumber..and Kong's breath hitches seeing him., No inkling of internal peace remaining for him as the alpha walks in, in his half naked state, his wound is a bluish red and it's on his right arm and shoulder marring the snowy white broad expanse of his chest, chocolate coloured nipples and water droplets still clinging on to his pale shimmering skin, Kong can't believe his eyes, his Alpha is so stunning...

He ignores Kong's blatant staring at him and turns towards the cupboard in search of his clothes , but kong can observe the discomfort of the alpha still, while moving the arm. It is still paining for him., but stubborn as he is, he will never ask for help.

Kong gets up and approaches him, again his guard up. God knows how will he react , he doesn't spare a glance at him where as kong is openly still ogling him.. his muscles ..his broad back.. the hint of the chiseled abs ..all doing some funny knots in his tummy..

" let me help you

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" let me help you ."

Arthit moves back not saying anything , giving kong space to look inside the cupboard. Kong finds it messy inside, with all the clothes tumbled together , he finds a comfortable long sweatpants and T-shirt, he understands kit never wears shorts, there are none in the cupboard and the colour palette is mostly brown or black .. or plain white.. buy him more colour he mentally ticks and immediately reprimands himself., He and kit will they ever get that comfort level or peacefulness with each other.?

Kong turns towards him, he inhales sharply seeing kit getting dressed up, completely ignoring his prying eyes moving around his body, as he starts putting on his white t shirt .. he turns around in shame when he starts to put on the pant dropping the towel only in boxers where as the dirty part of his heart  wants  a peek again at the bulge he has seen, his alpha is well endowed ..

" you can turn around now  , let's eat." Arthit says nonchalantly as he goes to the dinner placed on the table . Kong follows him, still trying to gauge the mood ..

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