Harrison took the dark clothing that was to be required for this part of the shoot and as quickly as he could changed into it. He was never a big fan of photo shoots, he didn't mind doing them but he'd rather not, he didn't mind doing them with his cast members as much as he did on his own, he felt more comfortable with someone else.

"Can you turn to the left and look into the distance?" Jon called from behind the camera as Harrison fixed himself into the position Jon required. He also disliked how serious they always seemed to be, he'd rather have a load of happy photos of himself than ones of him with a face like a smacked arse. But photo shoots were supposed to look sexy so smacked arse faces were it. 

Jon continued to call directions out at Harrison so that there were way more than enough photos of the man but all his focus was on was going back home to Manchester to see his family, he called them whenever he could but he felt as though he'd been away for way too long, he missed them an humongous amount.

When his leave from New York was confirmed by Eoin he made sure that nobody contacted his mum, dad and sister because he wanted to surprise them the best he could; they never knew how long Harrison would be away for, that's why they treasured every single piece of time that was spent with him.

He'd been talking to his sister, Belle almost every day since he left at the beginning of the year, helping her the best he could with her homework if she needed it and giving her advice about how to pitch her ideas to her teachers. She was struggling at the moment because she felt as though she was an outcast within the course she took; she enjoyed it to the maximum but her 'friend' who also picked the same course ditched her when she starting going out with one of their classmates called Byron Lancaster.

Harrison told her, firmly, that she didn't need people like Chloe to determine how the rest of her college life was, he said that she'd make new friends in time and funnily enough he was right. Belle's teacher, Mike, had decided to hand pick groups instead of allowing the students to pick themselves because he did see the division.

Belle was put into a group with five others, Emma Warrington a short brunette girl who had hair almost the same length as she was, she was always kind to Belle, she said she was one of the only people she actually liked in the course. Sofia Harake, a taller girl with beautiful long curly hair and glowing brown skin, she was the loudest in the group but she was also really sweet. Ben Williams, a tall ginger boy who had, had a crush on Belle since the course started, he was kind but sometimes came off as a bit standoffish. Josiah Abebe, a average height boy with twisted hair acted like he didn't want to be there half of the time but in actuality he loved the course. Finally, Aki Murbak, he was also averaged height with slightly longer hair, he was incredibly introverted and rarely said a thing but his ideas were mega.

Belle's project was to create a podcast about anything they wanted, her group decided to do it about equality in music; they all had different tastes so that was going to be the focal point of the podcast. Harrison had told her to send him a link as soon as possible because he was excited to hear what it sounded like, he knew how stressed his sister was getting about it.

Right now, Harrison was sat in his apartment waiting for the FaceTime call from his sister, who today, finished college at three o'clock and would usually get back home before four. Sometimes, it felt like Harrison was her only friend, she'd never been short of friends but she didn't know if that was because of who she was related to or if they genuinely wanted to be her friend.

"Hello shit head," Belle greeted her brother from the other end of the screen.

"Belle!" Their mum scolded her, which made Harrison chuckle, Belle never learned her lesson about swearing in front of their parents, really they weren't too bothered but when it was excessive that's when it became an issue.

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