Chapter 2 - Edited

Start from the beginning

The Goddesses voice boomed out over the werewolves before finally dissipating into nothing.

Ava's body began to emit light flecks of lightning around her before the energy burst outward, strong, and not familiar with such a small body.

Ava's body was put gently back on the gurney and the doctors rushed to her side to make sure their Alphas daughter was well.

The room was quiet, as all the werewolves began to stand up; gathering their wits. The fact that they heard the Goddess was a surprised to them all, but what was more concerning was that a nearly eighteen year old girl was given such immense power.

Hamish walked slowly to the still form of his mate laying on the gurney. His brow furrowed and his lips pressed together in concerned. The only way you could tell that he was concerned for Ava was seen in his eyes and he knew they glowed too bright gold then what was normal for him. He had never been that scared or that furious all at the same time.

He wanted to yell and scream in rage that his mate was given such a responsibility when he had been trying for over eight years to make sure she did nothing that would get her into trouble.

He was eight years older than her and even though he no longer saw her as a child that needed protection from everything, there was nothing he could do to protect her from what was coming. Whatever that may be, and now that she had shown these immense abilities, he knew that she would become even more of a target for scrutiny.

He walked over to Don and his wife and looked them both straight in the eyes.

"I told you both eight years ago that I would protect her with everything I had, but...I don't know how to protect her from this." He growled out.

He looked desperately into Ava's mothers face, his pain and anguish evident.

"We know, Hamish."

Hamish looked at Don at a loss for words, before turning on his heal sharply and standing beside his mates bed.

A nurse came over with a chair for him to sit down, but he ignored her and went to grab Ava's hand instead. The pull he had for Ava was unusually strong. This was nothing like what the other mated pairs described. It unnerved him.

He had planned to wait until she had reached twenty before he went to her as a mate would. He wanted to make sure that she had lived as much as her life as possible, before being mates took fully over. Not to mention he was considerably older and had way more life experience than her, he never wanted to force her into something she wasn't ready for and would hold off as long as he felt was right.

But it didn't mean that he had been a saint. When he was in his late teens to early twenties, he had his fair share of women, sometimes more than one at a time. But the other women knew the score, he was an Alpha and would eventually choose his mate over anyone else. So for back then, he got to play around and have some fun.

When Hamish first met Ava, she had just turned eight and it was after she had fallen into the lake near her pack house. The ice had been patchy at best but she wanted to go ice skating and promised she would be careful. The ice wasn't as thick and strong as it should have been during that time of year and she fell through the ice, which is what she had told her father the next day.

It was during one of their pack meetings, and Hamish's father brought him along for his first meeting as an Alpha in training, when the Silver Light Packs Alpha had suddenly appeared to go dead white. The colour had completely drained from his face.

He remembered it well, Don had leapt from his chair at the table and rushed towards the sound of a child's cry. He had projected it towards all the werewolves and had hurried towards the lake.

Some of his pack members had already pulled Ava out of the water before they got there and they were applying first aid. That's when Don and his wife took over.

None of them knew how long she had been under,  it was the pneumonia that everyone was worried about. The chill of never waking up from intense cold.

It wasn't until Hamish saw the child's face that he knew she would be his mate. But she was too young and too head strong. She was definitely an Alphas child.

And now as he looked down at her, a silver glow still along her skin, he was more worried about her safety than ever before.

He knew he was going to get even more overbearing of her because he loved her. If he had come across as arrogant, hostile, bossy or indifferent towards her, it was because over the years, he had trouble keeping his feelings for her inside. They just erupted out of him every time he would see her try to spread her wings.

She was and still is too young and underage in his eyes. He always imagined an equal and he never wanted someone who was still enjoying their zest for life.

Finding your mate could happen between the age of eighteen to your twenty-first year, because at least then, if the age gap was high they would be seen as being on more equal footing.

Hamish never wanted a mate that was so young, but he believed the moon goddess gave him Ava for a reason. Something that they were maybe supposed to do together, but for right now he wasn't ready to take her away from her life or her parents. He loved her enough to give her all the freedom she needed even if it drove him crazy.

His wolf was also in agreement. They had years above Ava and they would let her decide when the time was right to become mated. But it would be entirely her decision. And if she didn't choose him, he knew that a part of him would die off and leave him with her rejection. But he was willing to take that on if it made her happy.

Hamish looked down at Ava's small face and wondered what could have possibly given the Goddess the idea to do this to someone so young and innocent.

He grabbed the chair the nurse had set beside him and sat with his head in his hands.

What was he going to do about all of this?

He had to give them both time to wrap their heads around what happened.

He stood slowly and left the building, his throbbing head already healed and forgotten.


Hey everyone!

Thank you so much for reading! If there is anything I can improve, please let me know!!!

Much love and thanks,


Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine

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