Chapter Thirty-five: Slaycation

Start from the beginning

Thankfully, after consuming his second slice of pizza, PJ had the same idea as Phil and proclaimed it game time, sending them all on a frenzy to find a token machine.

     Think about how this must look: a bunch of nearly-eighteen-year-olds, a fifteen year old, and a twenty-two year old scurrying around the Chuck E. Cheese like a herd of six year olds.

[ Phil's pov bc i actually dont know i just suddenly switched povs in my writing?¿? ]

     "I got three hundred tickets!" I cheered, waving my ticket receipt in the air. "How?" PJ demanded, scowling. "Chris and I worked together and only got two-ninety-seven. Three away from fucking three hundred." I grinned, shoving my receipt in his face. "HA!"

"What game did you play? Because I still have tokens.." Carla approached me, asking. "The thing where it rakes the coins and every coin that falls gives you tickets." I tried to explain and she pointed in its' general direction, inquiring, "Over there?" I nodded, then shuffled off with wonder-couple to get our prizes.

     "I want a giant slinky!" I said, gasping, my eyes lighting up. The woman at the counter laughed, asking, "What colour?" I twisted up my lips, thinking, before responding, "Black." I thought black would look cool catapulting down the stairwell back home. "Here you go. Also, I like your accent." She complimented, handing me my slinky box. It was fairly large (the box was...what else would be?) Maybe the size of a library book, though 3D, of course. "Uh, thanks?" I replied, sidestepping out of the way so PJ and Chris can pick out their pieces, feeling odd. I never know what to say when people compliment my accent—like, I was literally born with it, it's normal to me.

    "I want vampire teeth, please," Chris requested and the woman (whose nametag read 'Kamrin') handed the package to him, chuckling again. "You're all British. Friends?" She guessed and Chris nodded, changing the subject, "How good of a hickey do you think I could give my boyfriend with these?" PJ's face got really red but he made Kamrin laugh. "Um...I'm not sure.." She answered, moving on to assist Peej. Maybe we should warn her about Colby...I mean, she was attractive: light, brown skin (the colour of coffee with a bit of creamer); deep brown eyes (not as pretty as Dan's though); and nice, long dark hair. Colby would love her. We should warn her.

"Just a warning," I began after PJ got his goodies (besides the ones he'd get from Chris), leaning over the counter to whisper to her, "Chris—who asked about the hickey—has a brother who is very present and hits on anything with boobs and is generally inclined in making women uncomfortable—yeah, steer clear of him. You'll know him when you see him, he has our accent too. Please trust me." She laughed when I was done and Chris piped up from beside me, "He's not joking. Heed his warning." Then the three of us walked off, feeling like heroes, having done our good deed for the day. Let's just hope she listens to us.

     We leave after Colby gets his prizes, which consists of Kamrin's number. She didn't listen to us.

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     "Come on, Phil," Colby says, trying to press the blunt on me. "I just stopped smoking pot, I wanna be done." I claim, earning incredulous looks from my entire group. "Come on, Phil. You missed the drinking last night, don't misd this. Have some fun!" Carla says, continuing to urge me. "Have some fun" seems to be what everyone has been saying to me...Maybe I should... "Don't be a pussy, man. You know normally I wouldn't pressure you but you can't be be a buzzkill the entire time. Lighten up." Colby continues, still holding the blunt out to me. He's right—I've never been 'peer pressured' into drugs, definitely not by him. Normally I can say 'no' and it's over. But this isn't normally. They aren't going to let this go. And maybe they shouldn't. 

"Fine. Fuck all of you." I say, taking the cigarette-resembling-contraption from Chris' s younger brother. Taking a long drag, I breathe it in slowly, puffing the excess out of my nose at Colby. "Attaboy!" He whoops and I snort. He's a dick. I then pass it to PJ, who's sitting on Chris's lap. No doubt I'd hear them going at it tonight if we made it home alive after the drugs and booze that was surely in store.

     "See, Phil? Isn't this fun?" Carla asked, gesturing around us. We had found this nice patch of forest on the outskirts of New York City and thought it'd be brilliant to light a fire, light a joint, and camp out. It was kinda fun, in spite of thr drugs floating around our circle. Colby was a dealer back home but I've no clue how he got it over here. Maybe he has connections.

I was so intent on staring into the fire we had going (it was actually quite mesmerizing) that I didn't even notice they were trying to engage me in a conversation. "Speaking of Chuck E. Cheese, what did you think Phil?" Chris asked, putting emphasis on my name. "Did you get to hug the mouse? I have pictures of PJ squeezing the life out of him. Poor guy." He continued and I snapped my eyes away from the fire, letting them fall on Chris (PJ had finally gotten off of him and was laying on his back in the grass, stargazing). "Fun, I guess. I steered clear of him, he was a tad terrifying.  Especially because he was so persistent in getting hugs from children. You could tell he wasnt that into PJ because he was over eight." I gave my opinion on the place, stiffling a groan when the pot circled back to me. To humor the crowd, I took another large puff (hoping to feel the effects soon), passing it to Peej again. "Right?" Carla concurred, before standing. "I'll get our cooler from the SUV." She offered, beginning to walk thr laborious five foot journey to our rented vehicle.

     "If you're not going to drink, at least finish this off." PJ offered, handing me the dwindling joint and I rolled my eyes, sucking on the end until it was nothing but ash, my head spinning at the quick inhale. Leaning back, starting to feel great, I slowly breathe out, sending smoke rings towards the stars.

Chris got a picture of it on his phone, claiming how cool it looked, offering to send it to us, then Carla came back, lugging the cooler after her, cheering, "Let's get this party started!"

     The rest is a blur.

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Im crying bc i dont live in the uk this isnt fair i want a Dan and Phil sim card gosh can they just be my parents or something?¿?

     Heyhey guess what i started my other Phan story but im not 

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