26. Julia goes home

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She's been in Asgard for a couple of days now. She was torn between the question: Should I go home, where I only have my dad and friends, or go back to Earth and live the rest of my life with The Avengers? Nobody made it easy. Thor said she should live with the Avengers while Loki adviced to go back home. Carol already went back to protecting the planets, so she wasn't there to vote. Lady Sif was he only one who knocked some sense into her.

"Go for a walk, clear your head and everything will come together. If you end up here you want to go home, but if you end up at the Bifröst you want to go back to Earth." Julia followed that piece of advice. She grabbed her coat and walked for a while. She went into a forest, an open field and a village. She didn't think of anything, only her deepest desires. At the end of her 'journey' Julia ended up at the rainbow bridge. The Bifröst . In her gut she felt like this is the right decision.

Thor and Loki accepted her decision and promised to come. They helped her with packing, although she kept all of her clothes in her suitcase. They walked with her to the Bifröst. The three of hem shared a long hug. Heimdall opened the bridge, Julia waved goodbye and got transported.

Apparently she ended up being in London. "That guy looks like Dr. Strange." She whispered to herself. This guy only had no facial hair, dark brown curls and had no gray hairs. She had some left over money and it was barely enough to pay a plane ticket to New York.

She didn't want to call somebody to pick her up. Her return needs to be a surprise. But it was way to long to walk and she didn't had enough money for a cab. That was the point when she decided to call aunt May. Julia dialed the number and soon enough she picked up. "Hello, this is May." "Aunt May! It's Julia!" Julia could almost hear the excitement on the other end. "Don't tell Peter! It needs to be a surprise for everyone. I'm at the airport, can you pick me up?" "I'll be there."

Not very much later May picked Julia up. "Where to?" "Where is Peter?" "He is with Tony." "Bring me to them." May started the car and drove to the Avengers tower. On the way May asked her all kind of questions, on why she came back, how space is and more. Julia answered all of her questions politely.

May dropped her off and said this to her: "Peter will try to tell you that you don't belong here. Prove him wrong." Julia grabbed her case out of the trunk, said goodbye to May and made her way to the door.

Julia pressed the doorbell. "Yes?" It was Pepper who answered. "It's me, Julia. Yeas I returned. Can you buzz me in?" Pepper squealed before the door buzzed. Julia's hair calmed down when she stepped inside. The elevator opened its doors for her. Julia started to swing to the music, since she had nothing better to do.

The doors opened. She rolled her suitcase out of it and placed it against the wall. Steve almost dropped his bag of tortillas. "Hurricane Katrina more like hurricane," before she could continue someone finished the vine for her. "Tortilla. Julia?" Peter crawled into the room. He jumped off the wall. They stared for a couple of moments to each other before running into each other's arms. "What are you doing here?" He whispered to her. "I came back." He gave her a kiss on the top of her head. He had to stand on his toes a little bit. "Should I get the rest?" Julia turned to face Steve. He didn't move a muscle. Without waiting on an answer he simply walked away.

Tony, Natasha, Bruce and the rest stood in the door entrance. Bucky actually was the first to move. "Never leave me alone with these morons!" "I won't." Everybody else got their turn to have a little reunion with her. Peter has his arm around her the entire time.

Afterwards he helped her unpack her suitcase. Her wall of pictures hang back. Her stuff in the bathroom was next to Natasha's stuff. She kept the bathroom neat and probably was the only one. A couple of weeks ago they rearranged every room. They decided the girls needed to share. The old pals Steve and Bucky now shared, Bruce and Clint and Tony has his own room with Pepper on the other side of the building.

She noticed that she had a mattress under her bed. "What's that for?" "It's for sleepovers," Peter answered, "like with me. Or MJ." The last part was way more silent. "Did you see Pietro lately?" He nervously swung back and forth on his feet. "Now that you mention it, I have not." She haven't seen him in awhile. Now that Peter said it was when she realized that she kinda missed him. Her pupils dilated and she started the drool. Peter catched her before she could hit the floor. "Tony!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. Julia was trembeling in his arms. A few tears dropped of Peter's face and landed on Julia's forehead. Her eyes closed. She started to look lose her consciousness. Her heart rate rised before dropping incredibly low. Tony rushed in. He was too late. Flatline.

She woke up and was in a white room in a white dress. Pietro, Theo and Cassandra stood in front of her. A big golden gate behind them. Pietro reached out to her hand. She took it and a tear escaped her eye. "We're together again." The soft voices of her siblings sounded like songs in her head. They opened the gate. Pietro flashed Julia a smile before leading her into the gate. Julia leaned with head against his upper arm. Together they walked hand in hand through the golden gate with her siblings behind them.

I almost cried while writing the ending. And does someone even read this book?! If so, leave a comment or something

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