13. Go get it!

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This is a short chapter! I really didn't know anything else!
Julia slept like a rose until her alarm went off. The beginning of the song Say Amen by Panic! At The Disco filled the room. "Turn it off!" A sleepy Clint shouted from the door. He actually took the time to go out of his bed and walk trough the bathroom to ask her that. "You could've just yelled really hard." "Just turn it off, get dressed, go to school and I will go back to bed." "Why are you wearing your own merchandise pajamas?" "Because I'm awesome and their comfy." Clint left and Julia told JARVIS to put it on snooze. Julia has just closed her eyes when someone came bursting in her room. "Get up! You're going to make pancakes." "Get away Bucky!" Julia was practically growling it at him. "How did you know it was me?" "Your voice and smell." "My smell?" "Yes your smell, you have this really nice smell around you. It's different then the rest." Bucky smirked at her comment. "Don't you even dare, Barnes!" At this point Julia sat straight up in her bed with a pillow in her hand, ready to throw it to him. "I'll be right there." Bucky left the room and his footsteps were fading away. Julia lowered her pillow and face landed in it.

Julia had a mini fridge in her room which she snuck with her in a miraculous way . She almost forgot the bag with blue-purple fruit in them. "Plums? Really?" The sudden voice of Pietro made Julia scream a bit. "Calm down woman." "I'm sorry that I still think it's freaking weird that I'm talking to a bloody ghost!" Julia laughed about her own comment continued with a deep sight. "These are for Bucky, I'm pretty sure he loves them. Now just go away I need to make pancakes apparently nobody can make good pancakes." Julia left Pietro in her room. She came back almost immediately after she realized she forgot her school bag. "Also your sister is dating a computer I guess."

"I've got you something, James." Ever since Steve told her about their past Julia called him James, sometimes Bucky or if she was mad she's just yell his full name. "I've got plums!" Bucky's eyes lit up. "You want them? Go get them!" Julia tree the bag into a chair. "STREET SMARTS!" "What was that?" "John Mulaney, Street Smarts by JJ Bittenbinder?" Bucky shook his head and was confused as hell. "Oh, you're gonna love this!" "Pancakes?" "Yeah I'll make them first, now put away your puppy face!" His face was happy and got out of his chair to got the plums Julia threw in the chair. "The plums did nothing wrong, leave them alone." "JARVIS, my playlist please." "Right away, miss Scott." Say Amen by Panic! At The Disco started playing. Julia sang very silently along with the music. Bucky just ate his plums. "Do I smell pancakes?" A voice came from the vents. "God?" "No, but it's close." Out of the vent climbed Clint. Apparently he climbed into them from his own room all the way to the kitchen. A deep sight escaped from Julia. "Guess I'll be making pancakes for three persons."

Julia sat the pancakes on the table, in front of the tv. She opened Netflix and opened her account. Her picture was Steve Harrington from Stranger Things. She loved him. She searched for John Mulaney: Kid Gorgeous at Radio City. Clint, Bucky and Julia all watched it. "Bittenbinder is my new hero." Bucky claimed. "Julia, for your birthday I'm getting you a money clip." "You better hurry up, tomorrow is my birthday." "Your birthday is tomorrow?! Clint you're going with me to take her to school." Clint actually didn't pay attention to the whole conversation. "Sure." Bucky randomly stood up. It didn't come to Julia's attention until now that she realized Bucky had a cute man bun in. "I like the new look." "Thanks," he walked to the door that leads to the hallway, I'll be right back." He almost sprinted out the door to go anywhere. Julia looked next to her to find Clint all curled up in a ball. Bucky came back with a sleepy Tony and Pepper holding hands but dressed, Thor wore a Fall Out Boy t-shirt and jeans and was wide awake, Steve and Bruce just strolled behind them and Natasha was dressed in all black. "We're going to school!" "It's not even time!"

I really want to tell y'all that the Folkvangr End series are amazing! I'm only at the first book but it's amazing! Go read them! Their made by kearabee
Also I didn't know anything else for this chapter..

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