11. Assemble for Dodge ball

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Tony took Julia home along with his chair and on it his lamp. "Did you do it?" Steve asked them. Julia nodded, Tony rolled his eyes. "I'm going to place this back in my lab. See you later losers." He rolled his chair back to his lab. Steve and Julia shifted awkwardly around the room. Steve decided to break the ice. "We're having pizza and a movie for dinner. Clint and Natasha are choosing the movie. It probably will be something like Mission Impossible. Scott and Cassie are gone. Cassie really wanted to see you though." "I've got to find Bruce. Is he in his lab? He is in his lab?" Julia didn't pay attention to what Steve just said. She mostly muttered that to herself. Julia made her way to his lab. "I'll just stand here." Steve said after her. Julia didn't even heard him.

Julia knocked on the open door of Bruce his lab. Bruce looked her into her eyes. "Here for the tests?" Bruce put on his glasses and got paper and a pen. "Sit down." Julia sat on he chair opposite of him. He clicked his pen. "Explain everything slowly." Julia started explaining. The moment she first saw Pietro, never seeing ghosts before and more. Bruce never said anything, he only took notes. "It sure seems strange to me. Like you always had it but Wanda was the person to trigger it. We'll know that Wanda had a strong connection with her brother. We also know you had one, you lived with them." "Dinner is ready." Tony stood in the doorway, no longer having his chair and lamp with him.

In the living room stood a couple of boxes with pizza in the table. Clint and Natasha didn't pick Mission Impossible, instead they picked Back to the Future. Julia always loved those. Maybe that's because her favorite movie genre was old movies. Like Back to the Future, The Breakfast Club, Jurassic Park, E.T and more. Julia grew up with those movies. She even had a few vintage shirts from them. Tony and Bucky opens the pizza boxes. The smell of fresh pizza became stronger. The boxes revealed one Pizza Margherita, three Pepperoni pizzas and two pineapple pizzas. "Put the movie on play." Julia called with a slice of pineapple pizza in her hand. Clint pressed play and the movie started to play. Soon enough all the pizza was gone. The movie was almost over, they were at the point where Marty returned to his own time.

The movie was over and Julia really needed to do something about their play. "I'm working on my play. Anyone want to help?" Nobody answered to her. "Lets play dodgeball and at the same time come up with names." Clint's idea actually wasn't bad. Although they knew that he was going to win. He just can't seem to miss. "Sure, why not."

Everybody changed in their room. Julia wore a football shirt from FC Barcelona with Piqué 3 on the back, since he was her brothers favorite player, along with FC Barcelona shorts. The clothes were to big for her, that's because she got it from her brother. She pulled her black hair into a high ponytail. "You look hot." Julia wasn't even started anymore from his sudden appearance. "I missed you already." She ignored his previous comment. "Seriously, you look hot." "I'm bloody sixteen! This Friday I turn seventeen but still." Pietro rolled his eyes. "And your a ghost." "You turn seventeen on Halloween? That's awesome!" "Hold your enthusiasm, Sokovian. I already had my dark baptism last year." Pietro didn't understand that reference. The voice of Steve filled her room: "Get your bodies to the gym. We're doing this!"

"Clint and Bucky get to choose teams. Mostly because their the most exciting people who has ever played it." "Yeah, nobody wants them together on a team." Natasha protested. "Pick your teammates. Bucky first." "Natasha" Clint have Bucky an evil look. "Steve" "Julia" "Wanda" "Tony" "Pepper" They decided it was for the best not to choose Bruce. For everyone it was a surprise Pepper wanted to join. Clint's team was Clint, Steve, Wanda and Pepper. Bucky's team was Bucky, Natasha, Julia and Tony. Both of the teams got ready on their part. "Is there anyone who can play dodgeball for a bit?" Bucky asked to his team. Natasha was amazing it she told him, Bucky did believe her. Julia told him that she wasn't bad at it. Tony used to be the kid who was the last standing of his team in his school time. "We can work with that." "I'm here to win, I don't want to lose to Legolas." "We know Tony." "Catch!" Steve threw a ball to Natasha. Their teams got into position. Natasha and Steve both stood in the middle ready to throw the ball.

"On your Mark... Wahlberg!" Natasha trew the ball to Bucky, Steve almost hit Tony if he didn't duck. "Good evening lovely citizens!" Spoke a voice. Bucky already shot the ball and it hit Wanda, who didn't pay anymore attention to the game because of the mysterious voice. "Damn it Bucky!" The voice came from the tv screen which was hacked and showed a guy with a black mask on, he also had brown short hair. A red scarf was wrapped around his neck. And his voice seemed to be not real. "My name is The Knitter, and I'm not alone." A tall man with long black hair showed himself, it was Loki. "Tony, try to get the IP address!" Tony rushed away as soon Clint told him that. "I'm going to look if I can help." Julia runned away. The Knitter and Loki continued to talk. Out of the corner of Julia's eye she could see that Pepper started recording it for Tony and Julia.

Julia got to her room. Julia got her pager, she typed: They've done it.

I got The Knitter from Tumblr/Pinterest. All credits for him go to the maker of The Knitter!

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