20. Where Is My Epic Background Music?

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"Pietro!" Julia squealed. She turned around when she felt something on he shoulder. She knew it had to be him, since she hadn't heard footsteps approaching her. It was Pietro. "You missed my birthday. I haven't seen you in the last days, I started to miss you." "I was just wondering around in Sokovia and wondering around with my sister. Even though it might be creepy since she doesn't know that I'm around." "Somewhere seep in her heart she knows." Pietro looked around her room. "You've got cool new stuff." Pietro wandered around room, brushing his fingers against the stuff. "What is this?" He asked, pointing to the snowglobe. "That is a snowglobe from the planet Xandar. Some friends from the galaxy gave it to me." "Julia? We have a meeting." Juila was startled by the sudden voice. In the doorway stood Steve with one hand placed on his hip and he slightly glanced up. "I swear too god, Rogers. If I was around your age, by that I mean not around 100, I'd totally date you." Steve started to blush heavily. "Uhm... Thank you? Anyway, come with me." "Why are you in your suit?" "You'll hear it in a few minutes."

In the living room was Steve not the only one in his suit. Natasha and for some reason Sam was there. "Great, everyone is here." Sam gave Julia a high five when he saw her. "There she is!" Tony did the opening. "Okay, Bruce, Nat and I worked a long time on a plan. We'll think The Knitter, Purl and Loki are going to attack soon enough." Tony rolled out a piece of paper he carried in his hands. "Steve, Sam and I just came back from patrolling." Natasha continued, "since we know their attacking we can be prepared. Tony, how much more time do you need for Julia's suit?" "A couple hours maybe." "You can work on that and I'll explain the plan." Tony left without saying anything but Julia was sure she could hear him mocking Natasha. Everyone's attention was focused on Nat. "When the time is their we have 3 guys attacking the city and even more knitted monsters." Natasha quickly glanced down to the paper on the table. "We need Bucky and Clint as sharp shooters. Tony will be in the sky, that leaves me, Julia, Thor, Steve and Bruce with hand to hand combat." Natasha spent half an hour explaining the plan. Eventually Julia gave up with understanding.

Tony called Julia to his work shop. "You called?" "Your suit is ready!" Tony squealed excitedly. He stepped to the left and behind him was everything Julia could ever dream of. A dark green suit with a hood and a mask. Her belt perfectly matched the rest. The suit reminded her of The Green Arrow, the vigilante who fights crime in Star City in another part of America. "Put it on!" Tony gave it to her. Julia smiled brightly and walked to her room to put it on. She quickly changed into it. "JARVIS, play Back In Black." The first tunes started to play as she walked in. "Drama queen." Tony rolled his eyes. A few seconds later Tony reconised the song. His eyes didn't have that sparkle in it like before, as if the light died in his eyes. "JARVIS, stop the music." It stopped. "What is wrong mr. Stark?" "Nothing, Let's get back." Tony searched in a couple of drawers before pulling something out. "Here's the mask." Tony handed her a mask which only covered her eyes. She placed it on her face and pulled her hood over her head. "Press your belt!" Tony was way to excited about this suit. The metal circle felt cold on her fingertips. She pressed the flower symbol that Tony made in it. She didn't feel any difference. "Julia? Where are you?" "I'm still standing here." "Press the button again." She pressed it again and turned back visible. "Let's show the rest."

Julia and Tony peeked trough a small gap in the door. "JARVIS, when I enter the door you play music." The door swung open and she stepped inside. At the very same moment JARVIS played Year 3000 by The Jonas Brothers. Everyone's attention was focused on Julia and Tony, who stood behind her. "Where is my epic background music!" "You asked for music, you didn't say which song." "You little waffle!" Thor and Bruce broke at the insult. Julia rolled her eyes and pressed her belt. She turned invisible and knocked over an empty fruit bowl. "Hahaha very mature." "Oh shut op, Rogers." Julia, still invisible, hit Steve lightly on his arm. "Luckily this suit stays with the rest of them and you can't turn invisible without the suit." Steve only thought the function was handy in battle but not in general. "We called the monsters Wools, because they're made out of wool and there are many of them."

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