21. How The Tables Have Turned

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"Evacuate the school!" The voice of the principal echoed trough the school halls and class rooms. "This is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill!" Juli looked next to her to see a confused MJ. "Everybody stay calm. Pack your bags quickly and come with me." Within moments everyone shoved their math books in their bags. Some kids ran past the window and they screamed. "Come with me." The teacher opened the door and guided everyone outside. "MJ, Ned, go. We'll catch up with you." MJ nodded and grabbed Ned by his hand and followed the rest of the group. When they were out of sight Julia shoved herself and Peter in a broom closet. "This is cozy." "Not the time! This is The Knitter, I saw something around the corner." "My suit is under the lockers, I can get it." "The school is mostly empty now, get it and come back quick!"

Peter returned with his bright red suit in his hand. He changed in it. "Take me to the tower." "How?" "Oh, walk with me and have a deep conversation." " Can I play music?" "Use this thick brain, you dumbass! Swing me trough the city!" Peter wanted to protest but they were interrupted. The door opened and Julia's instinct kicked in. She immediately kicked her right foot at it. "God damn it!" "I'm sorry, Steve. Are you okay?" "I'm fine." His voice was a bit harsh, since she hit him on his stomach. He coughed a couple times. "Here is your suit, get dressed and I'll tell Queens here what he needs to do."

Julia had this fun idea to turn invisible and scare Peter. She pressed her belt and turned. She opened the door slowly. Outside stood Peter and Steve, arguing with each other. "I don't want to go! I want to help!" Julia sneaked up behind his back and tapped on his shoulder. Peter turned around and was scared. Steve knew what was going on, but he just didn't want to ruin her plan. Julia gave Peter a light cheek kiss before turning visible. "What the damn hell?" Steve snorted and Julia laughed. Some weird noises entered the hallway. Monsters made of wool. Steve threw his shield at them. It tore them in half. The Wools were split in two for seconds before repairing them self. "Queens, go help evacuate the city. Julia and I'll take care of it." Peter groaned before shooting spider webs and swinging threw an open window. "Steve, you've got to tell MJ and Ned Peter and I are fine. They can't see me." Steve nodded before running off and picking up his shield. Julia waited a minute before realizing she needed to go. She sneaked around the corner to put her own backpack in her locker. Julia opened her locker and opened another little box Before Julia did that she grabbed her earpiece, which Tony made her carry around, she placed it in her ear. "Julia?! Are you finally there?" "Not so loud!" Julia screamed with the same volume as Tony did. "Get here immediately, Frodo." That was the only thing Tony said, the rest was just an explosion and the sounds of weapons. Julia did not hesitate for a moment before running off.

Her heart rate was very high when she finally found the rest. "How the damn hell are you here so fast?" She saw Steve fighting Wools. The Wools were bigger now and more advanced. Julia's heart rate was back to normal again. Right before one of the Wools attacked her. She held out her knife. The Wool jumped on her. Julia stabbed her knife in the thing. Nothing happened. She stabbed it again. Still nothing. She gave up. In some way she managed to get herself free from it's grasp. A little string got stuck in her zipper. Julia found out and pulled at it quickly. Slowly the wool got smaller. She looked left and saw Natasha and Steve tying loose strings to the Iron Man suit. Tony flew away in the sky. That was way more easier than just pulling the string alone.

After the Will her arm wasn't very strong. She pressed her belt and turned invisible. She stepped in an alley and turned back visible. Julia checked the bottles if they had enough Hemlock poison for The Knitter, Purl and Loki to kill them. She had to dip her knife in the poison and throw it. After a while she figured out that only the knife won't kill some people, but with the poison they got a deadly fluid in them and it killed them. Julia strapped the bottles back on her belt. She looked around the corner and saw everyone fighting. Bucky wasn't the sniper anymore, Thor and Tony flew away with strings. Steve and Natasha still fought them. Clint's arrows shot left and right and seemed to work on them, only if it were those exploding arrows. Julia's eyes went up to a building. Loki stood there with his helmet. His eyes pierced into her soul. "Fight Club!" A voice hissed. Julia turned around and faced Carol. "Does Loki follow the plan?" Julia nodded with a firm look on her face. "He's on that building with Knitter. Fly me up there!" Julia had to scream for some reason. She saw big pieces falling off buildings and hitting the ground with enormous power. Carol wrapped her arms around her.

Julia jumped out of Carol's arms on the building. Carol flew off to join the battle with the Avengers. "I'm gonna miss this view." "Why are you going to destroy it than?" "Why not?" The Knitter walked to the edge of the building. Julia followed him slowly. Loki stood still like a rock. The Knitter looked to Julia and said: "Julia, I am your father."

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