18. Intergalactic Friends

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Julia was eating her brunch. She was asleep until almost 11 AM and decided to just skip breakfast and brunch. The other Avengers had lunch and Julia along with Pepper had brunch. Right in the middle of it someone came into the room. "Julia!" Cassie hurried to Julia. Julia took her in her arms and sat her down on her lap. Julia looked to the door opening to see Scott standing there with a few others that she didn't know. "Happy birthday, kiddo. This is Hope, my lovely girlfriend and Luis, my best friend." "Hey, I'm Julia." Hope and Luis shook Julia's hand. "We got something for you." Hope gave her a box. "Cassie picked it." Julia opened the box and saw a photo of Hope, Scott and Cassie. "Scott said you collected photos." Hope added. Under the box was a action figure of Ant-Man. As a joke Scott had put his autograph on it. "Thank you, Cassie. I'm sure your dad loved it as much as I do." She set the present aside. Luis started telling a story on how he met Scott. The Avengers simply listened and ate. Luis even grabbed a chair for him self.

After lunch and the table was clean Julia took Cassie to her room. Julia placed the Ant-Man figure on her bookshelf, still in the box with the autograph on it. "I'll let nothing happen to it!" She promised to Cassie. "Julia! People!" Was all that Bucky yelled. Julia let out a deep sight. "Let's go, Cassie."

"This is Jane Foster. My girlfriend." Thor introduced the new guest. A tall woman with long brown hair stood next to Thor. "Your Julia Scott if I'm right." "Yep, that's me." "Thor told me that you loved to read so bought you this book." A book, carefully wrapped in paper, was handed to her. She unwrapped it and saw he book Midnight Sun. "Thank you, Jane." She laid the book on the counter. She could feel a little on her shoulder. She turned around and saw a whole group standing there. "I came across them on my search for Infinity Stones. I liked them and they could come so here they are." "Is no one asking why there is a talking raccoon or a bloody baby walking tree here. Am I that one weirdo, well I'm used to it." "Raccoon?" "I'm Peter, this is Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot." Peter was the only one that looked human like. Gamora was green, Drax looked like a human but also didn't, Rocket was a raccoon and Groot a tree. "Why do we even have to be at this idiot's party." "Because we're nice people and I want cake. Now stop whining and watch Groot." Peter told the raccoon. Cassie sat on the ground, playing with little Groot.

Later Julia learned that they called themselves The Guardians Of The Galaxy. They picked up a last minute gift from the planet Xander. They got her a snow globe with Xandar in it. The globe stood on her nightstand. It was a perfect replica of the planet was told to her. "That's true, it's a nice planet." A new person had snuck into her room! "Carol!" Is what Julia said when she looked up. "Nice seeing you, Kiddo." Julia was still stunned of surprise. "What are you doing here?" "You don't think that I'll forget your birthday?" Carol got something from her back and reviled a vintage SHIELD cap. "This was mine once. I still have it and I thought why not give it to Julia." Julia took it from her and sat it on her head. "Looks great on you." "How did you get in by the way?" "I flew in, no big deal." Carol gave Julia a hug before walking to the window. "You'll were named after me?" Carol smiled brightly
. "Yeah, Fury did it with his Avenger Initiative." Julia chuckled. "I need to go. You know what to do?" Julia nodded silently. "I'm proud of you, you know that right?" "I know, Lazer." That's what she called Carol sometimes, because of her powers. "See you later, Fight Club." And Carol flew away trough the window, leaving Julia alone again in her room. She took off the cap and placed it next to her snow globe. Nobody ever knew Carol was there.

Two more people came that Julia didn't know. Some guy named Sam Wilson and a guy named James Rhodes. Wanda and Vision also came. She didn't spent much time with the adults. After Peter, Ned and MJ came she spent time with them and Cassie. MJ adored Cassie. Ned was checking out her collection of stuff with Peter. The kids only went back to the adults to eat cake. Pepper and Bucky made it is what they told her. In the end of the day they just played games. Until Hope, Luis and Scott came in to take Cassie back home. Scott loved seeing his Ant-Man figure on her bookshelf. MJ and Cassie really became good buddies. Cassie gave Julia and MJ a big hug before leaving. Julia had pretty awesome gifts in the end. A necklace, shirt, ET figure, suit, bow, knives, money clip, albums, rain forest, Supernatural season 1 & 2, vintage camera, Ant-Man figure, Midnight Sun, SHIELD hat and a snow globe. Wanda and Vision gave her a unicorn statue from Scotland, Sam gave her the DVD Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children and James just gave her money.

Ned, MJ, Peter and May were the only ones left. May just stayed so that she didn't have to drive 4 times. Ned and MJ decided to give Julia and Peter time to talk about things. Peter shifted around her room for a while. "So, what do we do?" "I don't know, look, I really like you but it might be to complicated for us to be in a relationship." Julia padded on her bed next to her. Peter sat down on it. "Why not?" "We could both be killed and there's something else, but I can't tell you." The confusing look on Peter's face was becoming normal for Julia. "No it's not like I killed my parents or anything. It's nothing bad, you have to trust me on this one." "You know I trust you. And maybe even if we  get into a nearly death scene and our relationship will get us trough it." Julia sighted and laid down on her bed. Peter stared down to her, as Julia continued to look to the ceiling. "This would be much more less awkward if I didn't kiss you." Julia rolled over and buried her face into her pillow. "It's fine, Julia. We both like each other so why not make it official?" Julia put her head out of her pillow to face Peter. "If you can't fight them, join them. Sure Peter." "Yeey! Also don't say that in a fight." Peter gave Julia a light kiss on her forehead, which made her smile. "But promise me, this won't be in the way of our hero thing. If at some point The Knitter, Loki or Purl had me hostage and threatened to kill me in order to save the city, you kill me." Peter hesitated for a moment. "I promise if you do the same." "Without hesitation, Peter." "Well, that's slightly troubling."

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