12. Stargazing with the boys

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Julia settled herself in her room after the message from The Knitter and Loki. Tony wasn't able to trace the address. The rest sat in the living room discussing the threat. Julia got her laptop. She opens word to show a document with a few names on it. Pietro appeared. "I need your help!" "About The Knitter or something else?" "Names, I need to come up with names for our school play. Help me, Pietro!" Pietro sat down on her bed next to her. Pietro looked on her screen. He only was three names: Sam/Samantha Jones, Daniel Jones and Hartley Jones. "What about Jack Donvan and Mila Park?" "Thank you, Pietro. I knew you weren't completely useless." There was a knock on the door. Not her door to the hallway, but the door to the bathroom which only could be Clint. "Come in," it wasn't Clint, it was Natasha. "Nat! What were you doing in Clint's room?" "We were discussing Loki and The Knitter, Thor is really pissed. I get it though. Loki is his brother." Natasha got a chair and sat down on it. She rolled it until she faced Julia. "I don't know what's going on with you but it's weird. You lock yourself up in your room after a thread. I want the truth, Julia." "You want the truth? The truth?" Natasha nodded. "Fine, I can see bloody ghosts! Pietro follows me almost everywhere! He's here right now, next to me." Natasha never heard this kind of anger in her voice even though it started to break. "All I ever wanted was to see my brother and sister, I can't see them and it's killing me! Now I got these powers and I only see random people and this guy with bloody bullet holes in his chest." Julia didn't even care that Natasha was there. She didn't hold back her tears from rolling down her face. Julia turned away to face her pillow and let her face drop on it. Natasha hesitated for a brief moment before putting her hand on her back. Tears rolled down and the pillow soaked them in.Natasha left after a while to let Julia cry in silence.

"Hey," the vague figure made it impossible to make out the person, but the voice was definitely from Bucky. "Are you awake?" "Yeah, is there something wrong James?" "I haven't heard that name in a long time." Bucky chuckled. "Come with me, I'm not going to kill you." Julia rolled her eyes. "You say that now." She put on her jacket and followed Bucky. Bucky didn't say anything. They walked up a couple of stairs.

The roof. Bucky took her to the roof. Julia thought it was beautiful and scary. The stars above them shone bright and the city was well lit. "Why are you taking me here?" "You seem like the kind of girl who would enjoy the stars." "Shouldn't you be in bed, young Julia." Out of the shadows stepped the beloved Thor. "I always love watching the stars. It reminds me of home." Thor moved to the pair. They sat down on the edge of the building. Julia sat a bit behind them. She one fell of a edge, but she got lucky and was saved by Spider-Man. Bucky and Thor gave her a reassuring smile. "It's okay." Julia shuffled closer to Bucky. She sat behind him and started braiding his hair. That was a thing about Bucky that Julia loved about him. If he sits still and you don't make sudden moves, he will let you braid his hair. Julia did a couple braids in his hair. It looked pretty cute and didn't actually quite fit his personality but he just let her. It always calmed her down if she was nervous. Since Thor and Bucky actually let her do it, Natasha and Pepper sometimes. Bucky now had four little braids. Julia settled herself down behind Thor. It surprised both of the boys that she has that much hair ties with her. They knew she planned on braiding their hair. Julia knew Thor let them sit for the rest of day which was rare with Bucky boy. Julia always did more braids in Thor's hair.

Thor had seven little braids and Bucky had three. Thor also had a few flowers in his, Julia plucked those off the roof with her flashlight. Julia laid back with Bucky to her right and Thor on her left. She was playing with her knife in her hand. Bucky took it from her. "Nice butterfly knife, where did you get it?" "My brother, he was very protective over me like you are." "No I'm not, Julia! Let's not talk about that" Bucky his thumb glided over three letters on the blade. "T.B.S, are those his initials?" "Theo Benjamin Scott, named after our two grandfathers. He always carried it with him." Bucky gave it back. Thor didn't talk much for a while. "The stars remind me of home." "You're going back there soon, aren't you?" "I don't know, lady Scott. Their are probably more problems here then up there. Maybe only to warn Asgard." The next 15 minutes was Thor naming the stars that Julia and Bucky asked. Julia looked on her watch to find out it's 00:28 AM. "We should go to sleep, it's twenty-eight minutes past twelve and I've got school." "We're going to stay out a bit longer. Good Night." "Good Night guys."

I'm going on vacation Saturday for 3 weeks so I don't know if I am going to post every week, I'm going to try for sure. But I thought It was handy to let you'll know.

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