17. Featuring Demons, Witches And A Girl With Confident

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This will be an amazingly long chapter! I think it's three times the size of a normal chapter! Because I wrote this when I had no WiFi and the only things I could do was read, write, watch TV or watch John Mulaney on Netflix that I downloaded.

Peter and Julia walked to Ned who stood under a tree, hiding for the sun. "We only need to wait for MJ and you'll get your present." Peter teased Julia. Julia leaned against the tree and crossed her arms around her chest. A butterfly crossed her view, Julia followed it and it sat down on a nearby flower. She studied it for a while. "Nature is beautiful, isn't it?" The butterfly flew away. Julia recognized the black Converse shoes who suddenly stood in front of her view. "MJ, you got your costume for tonight?" "Sure did, here's your gift." MJ handed Julia a beige bag. Julia looked inside of it and pulled out a shirt. It was black and the front was empty. It only had a tiny pentagram on it. The back was like a football shirt, it said Winchester 79, the last numbers of Deans birth year. "It's awesome!" Julia hugged MJ tight. Julia always gave people hugs randomly, even though it was her birthday today. "Mine next!" Peter sounded like an excited puppy. He got a little box out of the pocket of his jacket. He opened it to reveal a silver necklace, it had two charms on it. A spider web with a little spider on it and a knife. Carefully Julia took the necklace to admire it up close. "Put it on!" Julia practically pushed the necklace into Peter's hands. He told her to turn around. Julia grabbed her hair with her hand and Peter wrapped the necklace around her neck. The silver was cold on her skin. "Why a spider and a knife?" MJ asked them. "Peter loves spiders and I love knives." Julia answered a bit vague. Within moments after that Julia's arms hang around Peter his neck. Her chin rested on his shoulder. Julia is slightly larger then him. She turned her face and gave Peter a kiss on his cheek. Julia pulled away from him. She saw that Peter turned a light color of red. "Now my gift isn't much anymore." Ned sounded disappointed. He gave her a bag with a box in it. When she opened it it revealed a miniature ET statue from the bike scene. "No Ned, it's amazing. They all are." She put it back in the box and along with the shirt she still had in her hand she did it in her backpack. They'll shared a group hug.

In the middle of math class, which was the last lesson, some random dudes stormed inside and blasted 'This Is Halloween!' to the classroom. "I ain't got time for this." And the teacher just sat down. The dudes all wore banana costumes and nobody knew why. It seemed like they did this weird ritual to summon some demon or something. They stayed in there for the rest of the class. Luckily for the teacher it only lasted 7 minutes. In the last 2-3 minute 2 guys started to do the end dance of Dirty Dancing and it was a masterpiece. They even did the lift even though the guys fell. The bell rang and the bananas mixed in with the students to leave the room. Peter was the first to go, it took a minute before MJ and Julia were out, lastly Ned left. "Let's go find Aunt May!" Ned cheered. "Wooooo!" The others responded.

Everywhere you looked you saw decorations. It was a beautiful view. The front porch of the building Peter lived in was decorated with carved pumpkins. "They weren't there this morning." Julia pointed out. Somebody also took the time to hang stuff on the wall next to the stairs. On the door to Aunt May's apartment was also a spider made out of paper. Peter reached into his back pocket and got out a single key with a Spider-Man keychain on it. It was funny to see that he bought his own stuff. "May? We're here!" Nobody answered. "Maybe she's doing grocery shopping." MJ suggested. "Should we dress up? Makeup can be done later if you need to." Ned and Peter dressed up in the living room and Julia shared Peter's bedroom with MJ. Peter insisted on giving the girls his bedroom, If May saw Peter and Ned only in their underwear he said that that would be less awkward. Peter gave the Spengler jumpsuit to Julia. Julia closed the door behind her. "What are you going as?" "A demon in human form, the only thing I have to do is make my hair messy and put on a bit of makeup." "That's also pretty easy." MJ walked around the bedroom for a bit. It wasn't big or something, more interesting. Julia took off her clothes and slipped into the jumpsuit. Today she wore boots especially because sneakers doesn't fit with the suit. They were just simple black boots. MJ knocked on the door. "Can we come out?" "Sure!" MJ opened the door and saw Peter standing in an identical suit as Julia and Ned as Luke Skywalker. Peter walked over to Julia who stood next to the Proton Packs. "Let's try these things on, shall we?" Peter took one from the ground and helped Julia to get in it. Julia did the same to him. Julia handed Peter a pair of goggles and they did them on. "How do we look?" They asked MJ and Ned, who were discussing MJ's 'costume'. Ned was he first to answer: "you look cool!" "So do you, Luke Skywalker if I'm right." "You are correct." Julia let out a soft giggle. The front door suddenly opened. It was May. "Look at you all! How cute!" May wasn't even paying much attention that she had groceries in her hand she only sat them down on the closed table. "Peter you look so handsome, and Ned also." May let her hand glide over the side of their faces for a short time. "MJ and Julia, how lovely." May smiled brightly at them. May turned away and got the groceries, followed by her walking to the kitchen. Julia allowed the pack to glide of her back. It was pretty heavy. Peter also undid his. The goggles placed on the packs. "Watch a movie?" "Which?" "IT? It's a classic Halloween movie." "I'm not really into horror." "Come on, Julia! If your scared you can always lay against Peter, he'll protect you." Julia rolled her eyes at MJ's comment. She really wished that people stopped saying it. "You know what, fine."

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