5. Twisted ankles and dreams

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Peter stayed in Queens and Julia returned to the Avengers Tower. Julia didn't have homework for the next day. That's why she sat with the others. Thor sat down with the Mjölnir next to him on chocolate so that nobody could pick a piece. He didn't care about the small pieces that the Mjölnir made. "You're a real idiot." Julia muttered to him. "No, I am smart." "Cap'n she said a bad language word." Tony still liked to tease him about that. Steve rolled his eyes at him. Thor lifted his hammer to pick chocolate, Julia saw her opportunity to steal his chocolate. It worked! Julia runned away with his chocolate. Thor stood up and chased after her. "Come back here miss. Scott." Thor chased her for a long time until Steve put an end to it. "Just share it!" "You really are no fun at all are you Fossil?" "Now your dead!!" Steve turned to face Julia. They shared one look and everybody knew the same: it's war. Julia sprinted to the stairs going up. Thor flew with his hammer up. With Thor above her and Steve below her Julia had no where to go. "I guess I'll give up." Julia said not very convincingly. The men had her locked. Julia thought different when she got off the balcony and swung to the floor below. "Damn it you child." Julia sprinted off the stairs but the last steps she tripped and feel down. "My ankle!" Julia cried. Steve got down to her and her ankle sure didn't seem fine. Steve picked her up and took her to her room. He carried her like she weighted nothing. Steve laid her on her bed. "I'm sorry for calling you fossil." "Don't worry about it. It is true after all." Julia smiled and Steve left but he stopped in to doorway. "I'll get get Bruce for you to look at your ankle." He walked out, leaving Julia alone. Thor knocked on her door. Julia saw Thor with the missing. She thought she had lost it on the stairs. "I'm sorry Julia." Thor said and he gave a piece to Julia who ate it. He also ate on himself. "It's not your fault, I took you chocolate for gods sake." From the living room Julia heard Tony saying: "America, she said a bad word." Followed with a grunt from Steve.

Bruce told Julia to rest and that her ankle was just twisted. They also got to know each other better. Julia now knew that Bruce actually was a big softie. And that he actuality was a science geek but Julia could've told that earlier. "If you don't mind I'm going to bed. Tomorrow school." Bruce didn't mind, he got up and said goodnight to her. Julia was fast asleep.

In her dream: Julia stood in the middle of a forest. The only light that shone was from the full moon. Around her it was misty. "This comes straight out of a horror movie." She whispered to herself. "Now I only need to wait to be murdered." Julia walked around the forest. Still no sign of life, no creepy cabin or weird voice. After a while of walking around she heard a scream. Julia rushed towards the sound. When she came to the scene nobody was there only something in a tree. A body. Julia started to breath faster when she saw that the body no eyes and everything that is supposed to be on the inside was now on the outside. Julia backed up until she felt a tree behind her. Julia started running, not knowing where to. Finally she found herself in front a cabin. She knocked on the front door. Nobody answered. Julia opened the door and walked into the cabin. For a brief moment it was all white around her.

Julia woke up with a loud gasp. She sat straight up in bed. Julia turned her light on. She got out of her room on her way to the kitchen for water. "Why are you up? It's 3 AM." Spoke a deep voice. Julia turned around to see Bucky sitting at the bar. Julia got a glass and filled it with water. She sat down next to Bucky. "I had a nightmare and woke up." She simply explained. "What re you doing here?" "I just kept dreaming about losing Steve and HYDRA. Horrible it was." Julia took a sip of her water. It was a comfortable silence. "Who's bringing you to school tomorrow?" Julia almost choked in his water, surprised about the fact that he cared. "I guess Steve on his motorcycle." She really didn't care about that as long as she got to school. "Why don't you talk much?" "I've talked to you more than the most Avengers. I only open up to a few people. Why do they call you Hemlock?" "Hemlock is a poises flower. I always cover my knives with their poison." Bucky didn't replied to that for a while. "You should get to bed, you have school tomorrow." Julia agreed with him, she was surprised about his concern for her. He walked with her to her room and said goodnight to her. She laid is bed and drifted off very easily.

I have this strange feeling that Bucky just became overprotected about the people he cared about after he passed his Winter Soldier phase. Or that's why I like to think about him, so be prepared for more Bucky/Julia scene's.

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