8. He's a phantom

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That same night Wanda didn't want to be alone that's why she slept with Julia in her bed. Julia woke up in the middle in the night. She just looked around her. She saw Pietro silently singing a lullaby in the language of Sokovia to Wanda. It actually was quite beautiful to see. It was still very new to her but she could get used to this. Julia laid down again, focusing on Pietro his voice.

Julia woke up to see that Wanda wasn't near her, neither was Pietro. It was strange since it was around 6 AM. Julia got out of bed and to the kitchen in her pajamas. There she found Wanda with a glass of orange juice. "Was it a joke last night?" Wanda asked without looking up. "My brother isn't alive." Wanda stared at her at this point. Her eyes red from crying. "My brother is dead! He was shot, had several bullet holes and he gave his life for Barton and Costel! He's dead!" At this point Wanda was crying and Julia stood still. "I saw Pietro for real!" At this point Julia's voice started to break. "I saw him, I wouldn't lie to you about this! I know how much it hurts you. I know how much you miss him, I'd never ever lie about that." Footsteps came their way. "What is wrong?" Julia and Wanda quickly wiped their tears away and faced Cassie. "Why are you up?" "I heard people, almost shouting." "It's okay, Cassie. You should get back to bed." "I'm not sleepy." Wanda smiled at Cassie. Cassie stepped closer to her, followed by Wanda placing Cassie on her lap. "Did your dad told you about this?" "A bit, I know my dad can shrink and is a superhero." "All of that is right. Your dad saved many people." Julia again saw Pietro for a brief moment. She decided not to tell it to Wanda. She didn't want to chase Cassie away. Pietro smiled at Julia. Julia smiled back before him disappearing. "I am going to get dressed." Julia left Cassie with Wanda.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Julia mumbled to no on in particular. She walked around her room in circles. "I don't know." Julia was startled by the voice of Pietro Maximoff. He was leaning against a wall. "You didn't see that coming?" "How can I shut you off?" "You can't," Pietro moved to look at the Hall of Avengers. "I see that Wanda is doing fine." "She is, I mean you died one year ago. She still is heartbroken of it." "Everything good in here?" Said Bruce who peeked his head trough the door. "Who are you talking about?" "I'll tell you when you take my to school." Bruce left with a weird look on his face. Julia turned back at Pietro. "I just want to get dressed, can you disappear for a bit?" "You make me appear and disappear. It's you choice." Julia closed her eyes, cleared her head and wished that Pietro would disappear. "I ain't a birthday cake were you blow out the candles and make a wish!" Julia now moved to the chair that Bucky had sit on the the night before. "Look, I don't know why I have this thing. Or why it came now. I don't want to see dead people!" Pietro was silent when Julia told him that. "I'm glad you're with me. I also could have a serial killer hunt me, you are nice." Pietro smiled at her. He slowly faded away saying "he's a phantom" as he left. Julia laughed hard at the line, especially since it was in his Sokovian accent.

Pietro appeared again 15 minutes later. He found an empty bedroom. He didn't use his brain cells to realize that Julia was eating breakfast. Instead of eating it she made them. Julia already made a bunch for the Avengers. Pietro stood next to her, watching her. "I already started to miss you." Julia mumbled to him. Pietro walked to Wanda, still looking over his shoulder to Julia only to smirk at her. "She's beautiful." Pietro claimed when he saw his sister up close. "I know, she always is and always will." Julia didn't realize she said that out loud until Wanda, Bruce, Bucky, Scott and Cassie looked at her. "I'll explain it later." Julia placed a pancake on Bucky his plate. Bucky always are the most. This breakfast Cassie told stories about her life, some were interesting some were not. Bucky and Wanda paid their full attention to her, while Bruce was talking with Scott. Julia are her pancakes in silence. Pietro next to her, telling her stuff about his childhood.

"Are you ready to go?" Bruce asked her. He now was supposed to take her to school. Julia didn't realize it already was that late. Quickly she hurried to her bedroom to get her bag. Bruce waited for her, looking at his watch anxiously. Julia got all her stuff. Bruce got his car keys and opened his car when they arrived in the garage. All the cars were Tony's. Although everybody else was allowed to drive them. Bruce mostly drove in a Jeep.

"So... who were you talking to this morning?" He immediately asked as they drove away. "Apparently I can see ghosts and I was talking to Pietro." Julia admitted, not even trying to avoid the answer. Bruce laughed as if it was a made up story. "Really? We're going to do tests at home. Okay?" Julia just nodded. Bruce turned up the volume of the music. He made his own playlist with old songs to play in the car. Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2 was currently playing. Julia didn't pay attention to any of it. She was typing a message to an unknown number that said:
Here is Agent Scott with the report so far. I've gained a new power, seeing ghosts. Slowly I'm gaining their trust. They suspect nothing weird about me at all.
I will call as soon as possible.

Should Julia have a made up love interest btw? Or Peter?

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