19. Les I'm Miserable

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Two days went by. Loki, The Knitter and Purl released a new thread. No video this time but something new. The Knitter and Purl knitted these little monsters to invade the city. Apparently those guys, except Loki, can knit anything and it'll come to live. The little monsters were not very easy to take care off. The monsters were made with purple yarn and they made about 15 monsters. They looked like a miniature version of Sully from Monsters Inc, but with less fluffy hair and another color. Those nasty things destroyed everything in their way. Luckily they where in an open field. They only destroyed a few bushes and one tree. Tony, Clint and Bucky took care of them. Tony was fighting on the ground, Clint stood on a building next to Bucky and they shot from distance. It still took them about 40 minutes. When ever they shot them they would just split into two more, even smaller ones. The trick was to unwrap the yarn from then. If you found a loose end just pull it and the thing will be destroyed.

Steve was sure that Purl, The Knitter and Loki we're going to attack soon. They trained harder and longer. Julia has to juggle between school, training, the play, friends and Peter. It wasn't easy. Luckily her friends helped her with the play, along with the Avengers. Clint, Pepper and Bruce were the most helpful. MJ considered more and more to do audition for the play. Andy, Megan, Kyan, Matt, Peter and Julia spoke more often to each other and even sat down together in the library for research. Julia also learned that Clint sometimes talks in his sleep. One time she heard a loud bang from his room and when she went looking in his room she heard him saying something about sandwiches and saw books laying on the floor. Julia got Peter hooked on Supernatural. Sometimes he would say Bitch to Julia and she would respond with Jerk, like Sam and Dean, or the other way around.

It was lunch at school. Ethan joined the club. Ethan became good friends with them. Ethan didn't talk much but he was nice and kind. "My turn!" Peter grabbed a grape and threw it into the direction of Ethan. Ethan opened his mouth and coughed the grape with his mouth. A round of cheers left the table. Some students looked over to them. Julia gave Peter a light kiss on his cheek. A shade of red colored Peter's cheeks. "Winchester 79?" A familiar voice asked her, a voice she hasn't heard in a long time. Julia and Peter both turned around to see a tall girl with short brown hair. "Aubrey!" Julia squealed loud. Julia stood up and hugged her tightly. "What- What are you doing here?" "My parents noticed I wasn't happy at my other school and transferred me to here!" Julia let go of Aubrey. Julia tucked a lock of her own hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry, but who are you?" Peter asked confused. "This is Aubrey Rigby, don't confuse her with the kid with the suicidal teddy bear. One of my beat friends from school. These are MJ, Ned, Peter and Ethan." Ethan awkwardly waved at Aubrey. "Didn't you drop out off school?" "I did left school for the year I lived under the gym. But before that I was at school and Aubrey was one of my beloved friends there." Julia explained to Peter.

Ethan got even more silent with Aubrey around. Aubrey told Julia stories of their school of the year Julia wasn't there. Apparently the cat of the math teacher that he once bought with him to class died. Aubrey stared at Julia, feeling satisfied to be reunited with her best friend. "Isn't your eye color dark brown? Like chocolate brown?" Julia turned to Peter with her eyes wide open. "She's right! Now they're like this sky blue color." Julia already got her bag from under the table and stumbled while standing up. Julia left the table and walked out of the cafeteria without saying a word. Julia started to panic and hyperventilating. She opened the door of the music classroom, which was empty. She sat down against the wall. Her breathing was still a bit to fast. She took her phone from her pocket and opened her camera. She looked at her reflection. Her eyes were no longer brown. "Damn it DNA! Why now?" There was a almost silent knock. "Go away!" The door opened and Peter stood there with a small smile. He sat down in front of her. "I don't know what it is, maybe something in your family or a disease. You'll always be my baby since I don't own an Chevy Impala 67, and nobody puts baby in a corner." Julia lifted of her head to see Peter. "It isn't a disease but it sure runs in the family." Peter laid his hand on her cheek. Julia leaned in and kissed him, their lips locked perfectly together. Her hand traveled to Peter's hair. Peter pulled away still with his eyes closed. Julia buried her face in her hands "Thank you, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. For lifting me up when I'm down." Peter opened his eyes with a big goofy smile. The school bell rang. "Come on, tough girl." Peter stood up and offered his hand to her. Julia took it and pulled herself up. "You're eyes! Their back to their stunning chocolate brown!"

I had no idea for this chapter that's why it took me long, maybe from this week there won't be a update every Monday. School for me started and I have to take my exams this year and I want to focus on that!!

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