1. History

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Julia sat at the table eating spaghetti. Her siblings were off to work. After eating Julia did the dishes and setteld helself in front of the TV. She got to the news like she normally did after dinner. Nothing special was on. She shut off the tv after the news and shoved her laptop into her lap to start working on her book. As they say time flies when your having fun, Julia was in the plot twist and started doing her favorite thing, killing of charachters! Julia laughed a bit evilly when the door opend revealing her brother and sister standing in the doorway staring at their sister. "I always knew that there was something weird about her." Her brother sighted. "Don't be an idiot, Theo. I am weird. All the good ones are a bit crazy." Julia shut off her laptop while her sister was sitting next to her. "You know what Cassandra? I think we all managed to make this work." Cassandra smiled at herself, normally she didn't smile that much. Her heart was so broken at this point from all the pain. First the divorce, her boyfriend cheated on her, her brother got stabbed! But that little comment of Julia made her smile. Cassandra and Theo both work in an office as assistant, last week Theo got stabbed in an alley and almost died if it was one inch to the left.

The next morning they all ate breakfast together. Julia made her specialty: pancakes. She always made them with little chocolate chips. They ate in silence with only the radio on. It played Look ma, I made it! by Panic! at the disco. That wasn't the best song that could be played. It is almost a half year ago that their parents got divorced and their mother (or their father) never was proud of her kids. "I've had enough." Theo said pushing his plate forward. "But it was lovely Ju. You're a natural chef!" Theo quickly added. Cassandra finished her pancakes as last. They made a deal that the last person who finished would do the dishes. Cassandra never had any problem with doing them.

Around 2 PM Cassandra and Theo left for work, leaving Julia all alone. Julia opend Netflix to watch Stranger Things. Right in the fight between Steve and the Demodog a loud crash came from outside. As Julia rushed to the window to see what it was. Julia saw some weird aliens coming from a portal. The aliens started to split up  in different directions. More and more came from the portal. Julia rushed toward the door to go outside when a loud bang came from the appartment across the street. She almost fell off the stairs but still got outside alive. Julia saw her hero Iron Man aka Tony Stark flying around beating aliens. She just runned around the street looking for her siblings. Let's just say she found them after what felt like 1 hour but really was 23 minutes and 4 near dead experiences. Only Theo was a bit alive. Cassandra was dead, julia could feel no pulse. "Remember I'm proud of you." Theo whisperd to Julia. Julia started crying harder. "Remember who you are." "You're really quoting the Lion King now?" "You are a Scott, make our legacy proud." "Don't leave me." Theo stopped breathing. Julia was a mess right now. "Don't leave me." She finally whispered o him, although it had no piont.

After days of just walking around town, she ended up at a gym were the owner got her food. Julia was allowed to live in the basement and work out there as long as she helps cleaning everthing after closing time. Dan, the owner, really started to grow on her. He treated her as his own daughter. He also gave her three meals per day. Julia always was intrested in throwing knives so on one day she asked Dan if he could hang up something she could practise on. That's when it all started. Julia learned fighting, shoot arrows with her bow and throw knives. Her best game were knives. Julia always admired the Avengers, even though it probably was their fault that Cassandra and Theo died. She kept training to be as good as them. She wanted to join them, more then anything.

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