Chapter 24: I promise...

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"There's an important part of Sora that's missing. We need to get it back in order for Sora to wake up. And we both know where that piece is."


"Are you really going to choose to protect a nobody over your childhood friend? It's not worth it (Name). He doesn't remember you or what you were to him. You have to let him go. It's what's best for all of us."

I don't want to hear it!

"(Name)...what ever happens, I promise we will meet again."


"I love you."

Don't leave me!

Roxas and Ventus stood a few feet away with their backs to you, not even acknowledging your cries. You couldn't move your feet for some reason so you screamed and begged them to look at you but not even a twitch of their bodies reacted to your voice. You fought and wretched your feet free from the invisible force, running straight for the two that could save you from this terrible nightmare.



Reaching both arms out to touch them didn't go as planned because the moment you made contact, both blondes dissolved away into dust. Your heart couldn't breathe...this was too cruel...


You jolt awake with your heart beating almost to 100 mph. You were hyperventilating a bit from the lack of air your lungs desperately needed. Your mind was racing with panicked thoughts. Things about Ventus, Roxas, Riku, Sora, everyone else and everything in your life. Frantically looking at your surrounding area, eyes darting from corner to corner to floor to wall to ceilings to the balcony facing the now rising sun. All these details confirmed to you that you're back at the clock tower.

"I'm back at the tower? But how did I—" Your eyes trailed back from the sun to the Roxas fast asleep with his head dangling forward, his bangs hanging above you, close within your reach.

You gawked at his sleeping state and soft snores with the addition that he has his right arm draped over your shoulder, holding your left hand. Not only that, you were using his lap as a pillow...

"Am I dreaming?" You stared up at your beloved, your heart filling up with so much love for him...

In your eyes, Roxas faded to be replaced with a sleeping Ventus...

You reached up with your right hand and gently brushed his bangs away from his face. His hair feels soft to the touch despite how spikey it looks. You loved his hair...his sleeping face...his soft snores...the way he keeps you loved everything about didn't want to lose him again...

Riku and that girl Naminé are going to take him away from you to wake up Sora 'cause it's the only way. You didn't want to believe that, you refused to believe it. There HAS to be another way to wake up Sora without having to lose Roxas in the process.

And until you figure out a way to do that, you'll protect Roxas even if it means that you have to fight Riku...

"I love you Roxas. I will protect you from anyone who thinks you are nothing worth saving. Because to me you're worth it." You whispered to his deaf ears alone, knowing full well that he can't hear them.

You lightly brushed your finger tips against his cheek, causing his closed eyes to twitch. You quickly snatched your hand away before you came in contact with deep blue eyes.

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