Chapter 6: Wonderland

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At first everything was quiet in the darkness you traveled in but then you heard different beeping sounds, machinery and chatter. The sounds started catching you attention as light began to form in your eyes as they opened.

Your vision cleared and you find yourself in a chair in a spaceship. You look around and see a cointrol panel of different buttons that would confuse you big time! You then noticed in front of you were Donald and Goofy in the driver's and passenger seat, controlling the ship as it flew through space.

"Amazing! If only Riku and Kairi could see this..." You heard Sora speak as you looked to your right and see him looking out his side of the window.

You stared at his deep and calm expression as he thought of his other friends. Riku and Kairi...

"Oh my you're awake!" Jiminy Cricket hopped on your lap giving you a smile. "You gave us all quite the fright there when you suddenly collapsed before we departed." He added.

"(Name)!" Sora saw you wide awake as well as Donald and Goofy and went to your aid. "Hey how are you feeling? Do you feel woozy or sick?" He began to feel your forehead for a high temperature but you brushed him away.

"I'm fine. Just exhausted is all. You know, after all that's happened." You said giving him a reassuring smile.

"But that's weird because Donald used his magic to make you better." Sora looked confused.

You blinked and didn't know what to say. To be honest, you didn't want to tell him about these weird dreams you have, especially when you dream about this boy named Roxas. Even when you don't understand why you are dreaming about him. So you tried to think of a quick answer while biting your bottom lip.

"Well you may be right Sora, Donald did heal (Name) with his magic but I don't think it effected her mentally. (Name) could no doubt be experiencing stress, anxiety, etc after all that has happened to the both of you." Jiminy jumped in and saved your butt as he gave your hands rested on your lap a light pat.

Sora thought for a second then nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I'm sorry (Name). All this must be going too fast for you I bet." Sora rested his hand on your shoulder, giving you a sympathetic pat.

You flinched then gave your friend a tired smile.

"No it's fine. Even though all that's happened is still so sudden, I'm still processing." You said honestly.

"Well at least you're okay now." Sora gave you a bright smile which caused you to smile back.

"We're here!" Donald called out.

"Already?" Sora commented as you both looked at your window to see a new strange world you'll be landing on.

The planet looked odd to you, the land was a checker board and their were hedges with red and white roses. Towering over the flowers was a castle.

The gummy ship hovered to land then shook a bit as it touched the ground. You stood up but felt woozy like before when you were in the fight with the large armored heartless. You held onto the side of the ship for support.

"I'm so excited!" Sora's eyes sparkled with extreme excitement.

"Hey don't jump out too hastily!" Donald instructed as he opened the door, poking his head out. "Look right, then left..." he then nodded his head then stepped out with Goofy following behind.

"Careful!" Sora cries as he reaches out to the two.

"That's right!" Donald nodded his head in agreement.

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