Chapter 3: Light in the hand

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                            's cold and...empty. Everything around you is dark, your body going numb.

"I'm scared..." you mumbled, as you floated deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Your (e/c) eyes began to lose their light, growing dull emotionless.

"Your fate to once again seal the door is almost upon us..."

You suddenly stood in the middle of a white room. Nothing could be seen instead of white everywhere.

You stood there in a daze, eyes at the ground ahead of you. You weren't yourself and didn't feel like yourself.

"Your fate to once again seal the door is almost upon us..."

"That voice..." you thought to yourself as your eyes fluttered open.

"It is your soul purpose to return to from whence you came..."

"...that voice familiar..." your eyes looked dazed and tired as you scanned your surroundings and found a familiar bronze door with a large heart crested, standing before you.

"The door will be your salvation...and your undoing..."

The door seemed extremely familiar to you as you slowly reached both hands out to it.

" the door..."

You reached further and further, until your finger tips brushed up against it, suddenly having black leather hands wrapped around yours. You blinked then looked. Your fingers tangled up with the stranger's. The stranger wore a black coat that went all the way down to their ankles. Their hood was up and your couldn't see their face, only their pale, delicate lips. You stared deeply into the strangers face, not uttering a single word.

Suddenly the stranger squeezed your hands tightly that they could break every bone in your hands. You yelped and tried to pull away but was to no aveil. Then yours and the strangers hands began to glow, the strange occurrence felt like it was burning into your skin, you screamed in pain as your knees gave way and fell to the ground. Your hands still in the strangers as the light glowed brighter and brighter, engulfing you and the stranger completely.

Suddenly the light disappeared, sending you and sora in the same exact cave with the door. Sora stood beside you looking at his surroundings when he heard you whimpering in pain and saw you crouch to the ground, holding your hands tightly and closely to your chest.

"(Name)! What's wrong?! Are you ok?!" Sora kneeled down to your level and shook your shoulders. "Hey!" His voice rose, echoing in your ears.

You stopped whimpering and slowly looked down at your hands. Sliding off your gloves, you and Sora saw an unexpected sight...

There was a key hole in the center of both your hands. You shook with fear at what was going on while Sora just stared at your hands in confusion.

"What happened to you?" Sora looked like he didn't know what to do as you kept staring at your hands, trembling like crazy.

Sora stared at your fragile state then he picked up your gloves and slipped them very slowly back on your hands and cupped them in his. You looked up at him with a speck of tears in your eyes as he gave you a grin.

"(Name) it's ok. This is all a dream. This is all a bad dream..." he said trying to calm you down and himself as well.

"This is...all a bad dream..." you repeated. "Riku is ok...Kairi is ok...I'm ok...Sora's ok..." you looked deeply into sea blue eyes.

Sora grinned softly at you, slowly setting your hands down on your lap.

"That's right. Everyone is ok. They are at home safe and sound." Sora assured you.

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