Chapter 4: Cast Ashore

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You were then again floating in the a pit of darkness, unconscious and all alone with no one around. No warmth of another enveloping you. It was cold and lonely, your body started to feel numb. You reached your hand out desperately for someone to grab it, reaching as far as you could. When suddenly you felt a sense of warm body heat right by your side.

"Sora..." you spoke, your eyes fluttering open to see a blurry figure that looked like they wore a yellow vest and silver hair.

The stranger chuckled as they cupped your outstretched hand in theirs, the texture of their hands felt like they were wearing leather gloves.

"I figured you'd call out to him." The voice chuckled as something small was transferred to your hand. "Keep an eye on him for me ok? I'll find you both soon, and then we'll all be together again...I promise." He said as you felt something smooth and warm press against your forehead.

Then suddenly, a bright light emerged from the warm feeling. Bringing you slowly to consciousness. The bright light then began to shape into a upside down dog. You stared at the animal as it 'smiled' and wagged it's tail at you. You blinked a couple times then noticed something wet and slobber on your face. You squealed as you fell off a wooden box you were laying upside down on. Your scream made Sora jump with fright that you literally could've given him a heart attack.

"What what?!" Sora jumped to his feet, pointing his keyblade at whatever threat you screamed at.

The dog jumped up and down excitedly, his tail wagging a lot faster. He positioned himself in a playful pounce. Sora lowered his blade and stared at you getting to your feet, wiping wet slobber off your face then at the dog.

"A dog?" Sora blinked in confusion.

You and Sora looked at each other then at your surroundings. By the looks of it, you weren't on Destiny Island anymore. You were surrounded by brick buildings and light up signs hanging off the door ways. Yep, this was definently not your home town. The fear that you were thrown into a completely different place caused you to tense up as you clenched your fists when you felt something in your right hand. You opened your hand up to find...

"...Riku's paupu fruit..." you whispered to yourself when you remembered the dream you had before waking up to this 'wonderland'.

Your hand trembled as a pain of despair flooded your body and mind, Riku's smirky attitude and his cool smile appeared in your mind. Then the scene when he gave you this paupu fruit replica sent water forming in your eyes.

"Where the heck are we?" Sora looked confused and panicked, his voice snapping you back to reality.

You shook your head then gently placed the paupu fruit in your pants pocket then turned your attention to Sora. You crossed your arms and glared at him.

"I'm starting to think this is all not a dream." You scoffed. "You see if you didn't let go then we wouldn't be in this mess!" You shot him a death glare.

"What?! Are you really blaming this on me? At least I was calm enough to figure out what to do during that situation and let me also remind you that I was the one who saved you from getting swallowed by that...whatever it was. So you should instead be thanking me!" Sora glared back at you which caused you jump at the basic truth as you avoided his eyes.

"Thank you..." you mumbled so only you and him could hear.

Sora's glare soften as he sighed, his fingers tangled in his spikey brown hair.

"Ok I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout. We're both just scared." He said as he took a deep breath in and out and faced the dog. "You wouldn't have any idea where we are do ya?" He asked the dog.

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