Chapter 20: A Keyblade Wielder Blues

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Sitting on the ledge of the clocktower as usual, you kicked your legs back and forth like a toddler with your chin resting on your hand. The day wasnt even close to being over and you had nothing to do since you're basically on house arrest. And it's been weeks since you had to take a pause on Operation search for 'Bone Head Sora' cause Roxas was in a coma for a long period of time. But now that hes awake and back to his daily duties, you are back to the boredom times. And that boredom made you sigh.

"Shhh!! Pence, quiet! Its gonna hear us!" You easily heard that sorry excuse for a whisper. But the voices perked up your attention.

But this was a bad situation right now since you cant be seen.

"Wait. Roxas said I cant be seen by the other members of the Organization. He never said that I couldnt talk to the people in town. Although...he did one time say that he avoids any sort of communication with any of the townsfolk but what's the harm in that? I mean we're all people right?"

"What do you see Hayner? Is there actually a black ghost here in the tower?" Another male voice trembled whispered.

"Black...ghost..." you looked down at yourself. "Are they talking about me?"

Well of course its obvious they'd think your some kind ghost since you're wearing a long black trench coat and you had your face concealed in the shadows of your hood.

"I still think it's hard to believe that you two found a supposedly new wonder to add to Twilight Town's 7 wonders." A girl's voice joined the masculine group.

"Wonder?" Everything these guys say something it catches your attention and curiosity.

You slowly turned your head to look over your shoulder towards the stairs that lead to the bottom of the tower. At the top of the stairs were 3 teens, a blonde, black haired, and a female brunette.

The spikey blonde boy was wearing baggy, camouflage-print capris pants, a short, sleeveless, grey vest, and a black muscle shirt decorated with a white, crudely-drawn skull and crossbones. His shoes are the same camouflage pattern as his pants, but also sport white tips, grey soles, and each has two intersecting, black belts in place of laces. Around his neck is a white necklace with a yellow "X" charm on it and a brown bracelet on his left wrist with several silver pins in it.

The black haired male appears to be a rather heavy-set boy with light skin, and brown eyes. His hair was being held up by using a headband. He wore a short-sleeved, white shirt with dark cuffs underneath a red jersey with black and white lining. The jersey sports a black silhouette of a seemingly skeletal dog with three bones above it. The phrase "Dog Street" is printed along the left side in large, white letters. He also wears blue pants, blue and white shoes with grey soles, and a purple bandana around his neck.

And as for the young female, who's eyes glowed bright green, and had light skin, and brown hair. Her hair sticks out on the sides and two strands of hair fall from either side of her head, draping over her shoulders. Her clothing wasnt exactly girly in your opinion since it consists of an orange tank-top with a white floral design at the bottom, khaki-colored capri pants, and orange socks with white hems. She also wears cream shoes with black and yellow accents and black laces. She wears a beaded, sky blue bracelet on her right wrist and a black necklace decorated with a spherical, sky blue charm.

You made eye contact with all three of them who caused them to freeze in place, the heavy set male and the female trembling a bit. But the blonde was a different story...when he got a glimpse of your radiant (e/c) eyes even though they were slightly hidden under your hood...his gaze was the look of mesmerization. You instantly turned back towards the sunset and stood up on the ledge.

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