Chapter 23: Stuck in the past

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"...being a wimp..."

"...girl dropped out of the sky..."

Voices drifted in and out of your ears, making it difficult to comprehend who is speaking around you.

"Who? Who's voice is that?" It didn't sound like Ven's voice at all. But you could pick up that there were two boys talking over you.

"Lea, you act like you're being forced to hold a man-eating Lion. Quit acting like the girl's gonna bite you and focus on actually getting her to the doctor." This voice sounded a bit mature, like he was made to be a leader.

"EXACTLY ISA!! She's a girl!" The sound of this voice radiated warmth even though at the moment the stranger was extremely worried.

The bickering continued, unaware that you were regaining consciousness. Your unresponsive body started to adjust what is currently happening to you. Your senses did their job and informed your brain of your current condition. Sight was still in process of escaping the darkness, the sounds you could currently pick up were the same two voices that spoke over you, you felt like you were in someone's arms judging by the feeling of one arm tightly wrapped under your knees while the other was wrapped around your shoulders. The same voice that contains a loving warmth matched the warmth they covered you in.

You needed to wake up...

Wake up...

Your eyes twitched under your lids. Fingers slowly itching to bend and curl and flex.

"Who do you think is gonna freak her out if she suddenly just wakes up to find herself in a strangers arms?!" The one named Lea hissed through his teeth.

"I swear Lea. Your ridiculous fear of girls is not a good look for you." The other one named Isa chuckled.

"Hey! I'm not scared of girls, I highly respect them and their personal space!" And other chuckle came from Isa. "There is a difference!" Lea sneered.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you slowly peeled them open. An immense light filling your vision. And in that light, there was a hint of Blue and red. A deep blue and a vibrant red. The colors were blurred at first due to your current impaired sight until they formed into two boys. One of them looking down at you with bright turquoise orbs.

The red head froze in his tracks, staring you down as you did the same. He looked at a loss of words along with a anxious expression on his face.

"Uh...hiya." He nervously grinned.

You didn't answer with this boy's face too close for comfort. And you were now starting to realize the current position you were were being held in this boys arms.


"Aaaaahhhh!!! Let go of me you creep!!" You wiggled your body to escape the boy's hold on you. But he only tightened his grip on you like he didn't want to let you go, while his facial expression looked completely different. He looked like he didn't know what to do when a girl is trying to pull herself free, deciding to either let go or hold on tighter.

"O-Oi!! Stop struggling or you're gonna fall!" Too late...your struggling managed to make you and the boy fall over...and into some source of water.

You felt your body being engulfed in water for only a second as you quickly emerged to the surface. Water drips from the tips of your hair that sprang loose while some just stuck to your face. You frowned at your current situation.

"Isa, quit laughing! It's not funny!" The same boy who was carrying you was also in same predicament, completely drenched.

Getting a better look at him although he's soaking wet, the boy looked to be yours and Ven's age. His short red hair looked to be spiked in a upwards style with a slight widow's peak though more noticeable. His eyes were the soft color of turquoise, giving him a friendly look. His outfit was a sleeveless orange jacket with a white, sleeveless shirt underneath, and tan, baggy pants with red and white sneakers and black socks. The pockets of his jacket are a much darker shade of orange than the rest of it.

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