Chapter 14: I wont say goodbye

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Riku was sprawled on the floor in an empty room clutching a handful of his top. His breathing was heavy and sounded like he was in extreme pain.

"What's...happening to me...?! My heart...its about to explode!" Riku was beginning with sweat when suddenly a unidentified figure in a strange robe revealed himself.

"Open yourself to the darkness." The stranger's deep voice sent chills down Riku's spine but he held his ground.

"Who are you?!!" Riku got to his feet and glared the cloaked figure down.

"You showed no fear in stepping through the door to darkness. It held no terror for you." The man spoke as Riku grits his teeth. "Plunge deeper into the darkness, and your heart will grow even stronger." Suddenly Riku's heart began to beat faster and faster. "Let your heart, your being...become darkness itself." Then he went black...your smiling face illuminating in the dark.

"(Name)..." was Riku's last words.


You, Sora, Donald, and Goofy were running down the halls in a hurry. Your legs were pumping at how fast you were running that Sora had to keep up.

"(Name) slow down!" Sora was struggling to catch your pace.

"No I can't, Sora! Riku's in danger I know it!!" You cried as you ran faster down the hall. You didnt understand it but...after you got separated from Riku, that darkness that took him away didnt look like a good sign.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" You and the boys heard Maleficent scream from down the hall.

"Was that who I think it was?" Sora huffed his words out.

You skidded to a stopped with the trio falling behind. Your eyes went wide when you saw a boy who looked like Riku but for some reason you knew it wasn't him, plunging a new keyblade in Maleficent's chest, her body disappearing as well as her screams faded into silence. You were frozen in place and was absolutely speechless. The room you entered as enormous, it looked like a throne room but without the throne. Down the aisle on each side, was the 7 missing princesses. And at the end of the room was a large hole that almost touched the ceiling.

"Maleficent...disappeared?!" Sora spoke in your stead.

"So all we have to do now is close the keyhole? A-hyuck!" Goofy began to prance towards the large keyhole gate.

"Wait Goofy!" Donald holds him back by cutting his path off.

You didn't care about the large gaping keyhole before you...all you were focused on was the strange looking boy who's body looked like a it was corrupted by something sinister. All the way from his neck to his arms and feet, the outfit he wore looked like muscles. He had on an X shaped belt that was wrapped around his waist. But in the center of his chest was a black heart. The look threw you off big time bit then when you got a good look at his face...his eyes that were now dark blue, the normal baby blues you always looked at faded away.

"'re not Riku. Tell me. Who are you?" Sora confronted the stranger who wore Riku's face.

The boy fully turned towards you and your group and wore a sly grin on his face.

"It is I, Ansem...the seeker of darkness!" Ansem introduced himself.


"Gawrsh! You mean the Ansem from that report?!" Goofy gulped as he and Donald both jumped.

"Whoever you are, let Riku go! Give him back his heart!" Sora shouts at the boy.

Ansem eyes went flat as he lifted his hand and snapped his fingers. The triggered a immense shock in Sora's as he fell to his knees coughing and wheezing as he gripped his shirt.

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