Chapter 7: Sentimental journey

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After your encounter with Roxas, talking to him actually made you feel more at ease. You felt comfortable around him. The long and serious talk with him made you determined to find answers about yourself until the very end!

You nodded to yourself as you were awake as you can see. But your determined face didn't stay for long as you noticed Sora looking out the window with a sad look on his face. You knew all too well what he was thinking about...He was thinking about your friends...Riku and Kairi...

Sora sighed to himself when Goofy took the corners of Sora's mouth and pulled back, making him look like he's smiling. Sora blinked then looked at his two new friends as they both gave him a reassuring smile. They both seemed to know as well who Sora was thinking about.

"Don't worry!" Donald told Sora with a wink. "We still have so many more world to search!" He proclaimed.

"We'll find them, Sora!" Goofy adds encouragingly.

You smiled at your new friends as they tried to cheer up your childhood friend. Them helping makes your heart warm with happiness, and then giggled as the two Gummi ship mechanics, Chip and Dale, aka the chipmunks, pulled at Sora's face trying to make him smile as well.

"Hey, wipe that look off your face! Come on! Smile, smile!" The chipmunks squeaked.

You joined in the warm atmosphere by taking his hand and giving it a tight squeeze.

"You know we will not stop until they are both found. And besides I bet they're looking for us as well, we're bound to run into them sooner or later." You said with a cheerful smile.

Sora looked at his hand intertwined with yours then looks at your bright expression and gives you a toothy smile.

"Yeah you're right! Sorry about that!" Sora said, his smile making your heart flutter. "All right Donald! What's our next course?" Sora says grabbing the wheel to the ship.

Donald yanked the wheel back making Sora pout.

"I wanna be pilot!" Sora whined, trying to get the wheel.

"Don't touch that!" Donald quacks, trying his best to push Sora away.

The ship began to shake as the two boys fought. You held on tight for life while Goofy chuckles in his seat, not doing a single thing to stop this catastrophe.


Next thing you know, Sora crashed the Gummi ship then somehow managed to get it back to traverse town. All of you looked a wreck, yours and Sora's hair was a poofy mess and your whole body was covered in dirt and burnt soot.

"I can't believe you rammed us into a meteor! That's the last time I'm letting you fly our ship!!" Donald scolded Sora.

While Donald was quacking at Sora, you tried to fixed yourself as you began brushing your burnt (h/c) hair back the way it used to be. Your clothes were dirty with soot marks as you groaned at your attire, so you patted yourself down to get the soot off.

"This is why me and Riku agreed to not let Sora be the captain of our raft because of this particular reason. He'd either get us lost or somehow crash our raft into a rock or something." You thought to yourself.

You then heard footsteps besides yours and your friends and noticed Yuffie standing before you.

"Oh Yuffie!" You said.

"Hi! What are you guys doing back?" Yuffie asks, looking from you to the boys.

"Sora crashed our ship so that's why we're back." You answered just as the boys noticed Yuffie too.

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