Chapter 17: Separation and Meeting

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You rested in the corner of the clock tower, with a blanket and pillow at your disposal. You gazed at the night sky that was covered with twinkling stars that winked at you every once in a while. The feeling of sleeping under the stars made you feel safe, like you knew that the stars would watch over you. The sensation made you smile as you cuddled up in your blanket...sorry...Roxas blanket and pillow.


"Uh Roxas, I appreciate you looking out for me but I'm fine sleeping on the ground. It's not like I haven't done it before." You chuckled as you watched Roxas lay out his spare blanket and pillow that he brought from his room and sets it up at the corner of the tower.

"Well if I'm going to help you find your friend, you should be comfortable and well rested. Cant have you randomly sleeping on me upside down." Roxas looked over his shoulder with his usual poker face. You gasped towards his words.

"Wha--hey just because I told you that my friend calls me a possum because I sleep upside down doesnt mean you have the right to tease me." You crossed your arms over, puffing out your cheeks like a chipmunk.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didnt mean to offend you. I mean I understand why Axel said that you cant be seen at the castle so staying here in the clock tower is the safest spot for you." You raised an eyebrow at him. "Well anyway, I'm just saying that you should at least be warm and comfy at night so you don't get exhausted during the day." Roxas looked frantic at first then quickly avoided eye contact with you which made you squeal inside on how adorable he was acting.

You smiled at him warmly as he stood up and looked at his work.

"Alright. I think you're set for now." Roxas placed his hood over his head, his eyes shadowed over as he turned to you. "I'd better get back before they notice that I've been gone for too long." He walked around you, making his way to the stars.

"Roxas." Your voice caused the blonde to stop, looking over his shoulder. "Thank you." You smiled lovingly at him, your expression made him avoid your gaze immediately.

"Yeah. No problem. Good night."


That was hours ago since Roxas left you to rest at the tower. Which you didnt mind, you actually did like spending time in this tower if you were being completely honest.

You slowly lifted both your hands up to the sky, both your beloved keyblades flashed in hand. A cold breeze wheezed in your ears as your words were swept away in the windy current.

"Infinity spectrum...Blackout Prizm..." you whispered with a smile on your face.

You then placed both the keyblades on either side of you, acting as your protectors, watching over you while you slept. That thought immediately made your eyelids get heavy as you drifted to sleep.


The bright ray of sunlight beamed down onto your entire body, your black trench coat producing more heat to you which made you a bit uncomfortable. You groaned as you slowly sat up, rubbing your eyes as you fought to get the sleepies out. You focused your eyes on the shining orb in the sky to see that it was bathing the sky with an orange color.

"Huh??? Did I sleep through the entire day?" You blinked as you scurried out of your bed and quickly got to your feet which was a bad idea. Your vision blacked out and your body was almost on the verge of collapsing. You held yourself up on the nearest wall, chuckling as you ruffled your hair. "Whoa man, that's the first I feel light headed." You shook your head then headed towards the balcony to take in the view.

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