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When we got back to school, I walked in hand in hand with Kenny and saw people laughing at us and trying to hide it. "What're they on about now?" I sighed and he just shrugged.

We got to class and took our seats, people still staring and laughing. The bell finally rang and fatass sat next to me as always, but he was happily humming today.

"What're you so cheery about, Eric?" I asked, pretending to not be curious. "Ah, naaaathing." He grinned at me. "What did you do, fatass?" Kenny asked. "Nothing too bad, Kinneh." He said and we narrowed our eyes.

"Alright class, I sent you all off to write poems over break, and today we're sharing. Everyone will share today. Who wants to be first?" Garrison said and I kept my head down with the rest of the guys.

The girls went first, all of them taking their poems from verses and lyrics of love songs. Garrison certainly noticed and me, being the last girl to go, apparently suspected I had done the same thing. "Alright, Sarah. You might as well sing yours." He sighed. "I don't know how to sing it." I shrugged as I walked up.

"Excuse me?" "I actually wrote one." I snapped. "Oh. Well, go on then." He said and I rolled my eyes. "What's it called?" Garrison asked. "Rose, River, Pond." I said and held the paper up for me to read, already knowing no one would get it except Kyle.

"One day I found a Rose,
It was special in its own way,
I took that Rose along with me,
Until it wilted away.

Then I found a River,
With its Rapids, rocky but swift,
That River lead me to a Powerful Pond,
Where my spirits did lift.

But my Pond disappeared into thin air,
And my River flows through time,
Now I have no Rose, River, or Pond,
But don't worry, I'll be just fine."

I read it out and felt a little sad at all the memories of Rose, River, and Amy Pond.

I went back to my seat after they applauded and Kyle gave me a quick hug and I smiled at him. Stan wrote his poem about his friends, not including fatso. Kyle wrote his poem about his little brother, Ike. Token wrote his family, so did Tweek and Jimmy. Craig wrote about Stripe, his guinea pig.

Then Kenny went up and loosened his hood a bit, but didn't take if off. "Mine is called 'Or Maybe It's'." He said and cleared his throat.

"Maybe it's the way
She talks
Sweetly, kindly.
Soft as a whisper,
Words only for me.

Or maybe it's the way
She dances when she cooks
Or is making tea.
Stands on tiptoe,
I wonder if she ever danced.

Or maybe it's the way
She's so confident.
Whether it be her pale stomach peeking,
Or how she walks
Into a room.

Or maybe it's the way
Her eyes tell stories her mouth can't.
Stories of pain and fear.
Bright green reflections,
Always looking at me.

Or maybe it's the way
She does everything.
How the curves in her sides bend
At just the right angle.
And she smiles lovingly.

Or maybe it's the way
She somehow gets me to fall in love
With her.
Without even trying."

He finished and I smiled brightly at him, teeth and all, tears dotting my eyes. He made eye contact and he blushed and sat back down after we applauded him.

"Mah turn!" Cartman yelled and trudged his thick head and fat ass up to the front of the room.

"I have a visual, Mr. Garrison!" He announced and pulled up a projector and plugged his phone up to it. He covered up the screen and read his poem.

"Roses are red,
And violets are blue.
When is our favourite couple
Ever going to screw?
At a New Year's party
They appeared but was then gone.
I looked around
And found them at Stark's Pond.
Her legs up
Him inbetween.
No, they didn't screw,
But here what can be seen?"

He read and uncovered the screen, showing a picture of Kenny and I lying back on the blanket and he was above me, my skirt rolled up so my thighs were bare and his hands disappeared under it. My back was arched and we stared at each other.

Everyone stared wide-eyed at the screen. No one laughed, only Cartman. "Ha! I caught you two! Ha ha ha ha ha! Now everyone knows! Ha! Suck my dick, guys!" He yelled in our faces.

"You're sick, Cartman!" Wendy yelled. "Yeah, dude, that's not right." Stan shook his head and Cartman froze, seeing their reactions. "But guys....! She's a slut! They fucked in public! I caught it on camera! I have pictures and a video!" He said.

"We didn't fuck, you fat dumb ass!" Kenny yelled. "That's sick!" Wendy yelled in disgust again. "She's not a slut if it was with the guy she's dating! God you are dumb!" Bebe said, nose crinkled in pure disgust.

"Dude, this is low, even for you." Stan shook his head and my eyes filled with tears. I grabbed my binders and bag and got the hell out of there. I got in my car and drove to CAH cos I needed a drink.

I got there and took a beer and got some food, then left after lunch and went back home and bullshitted the day away.

Later the boys showed up at my place, but not Cartman thank God. "Just so you know, no one is judging you and Kenny. We all hate Cartman and we all want to murder him." Kyle told me and I nodded.

"I'm gonna kill him tomorrow. For real." I sighed and fell back on my bed. They all sat beside me. "Is that a good idea?" Stan asked. "Probably." I shrugged and started thinking.

"Got it."

Living In South ParkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon