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I woke up the next day and decided not to get up. "Get up, baby cousin!" Dale called. "I don't wanna..." I mumbled. "You have to. I know it's hard, but you have to." He said and I rolled out of the bed to get dressed and do my makeup. As I left, I grabbed a thermos mug full of coffee and sugar that Dale made for me and went to the closest bus stop, were four boys were already waiting.

I stood next to the one in the orange coat, Kenny I think was his name. "Hi Sarah." He said in a muffled voice. I smiled politely back at him. "Hi Saraaaaahh." The overweight kid mocked him. "Cartman, shut up. Hi, Sarah." Kid in the green hat said and I smiled at him.

"Cartman, shut up. Hi Saraaaahh." Cartman mocked again. "Hey Sarah, and Cartman, if you dare say a word I will kick your fat ass." One in the blue hat with the red ball on top said. "A word, Stan. A word. I dared to say 'a word'." The fat one said and Stan, or whatever, punched him.

"Sarah, this is Kyle, Stan, and fatass." Kenny said and I nodded and smiled to each of them. "I'M NOT FAT! I'M BIG BONED!" Cartman yelled.

"Why don't you talk much?" Kyle asked and I shrugged. "Oh. That's cool, I guess." He shrugged. "You don't talk? Do you know how to talk? Can you talk? Did you get your vocal cords ripped out or something?" Cartman said and I stared straight forward and ignored him.

"Cartman!" They yelled as he sniggered. The bus came and we got on, Cartman pushing me so I was the last to board.

We got to the school and Stan, Kyle, and Kenny were nice enough to walk with me to class. I took my seat and Cartman took his seat beside mine as was quietly singing "The new girl is a freak. The new girl is a freak." And I glared at him though he wasn't looking.

I quickly opened my notebook and wrote something down quickly, ripped it out, and passed it to him. "No passing notes in class! Bring it up so I can read it, Eric." Mr. Garrison called him out and I smirked.

He handed the folded paper to him which Mr. Garrison read out clearly. "Fat ass, if you don't shut up I will cut your dick off, choke you with it, perform a C-Section on your stomach and intestines and shove them up your asshole or vagina, since you apparently have a pussy. With all love, Sarah." He read and it was drop dead silent.

"Whoa! Dude!" Stan exclaimed. "Sarah, normally I would send you to the office, but knowing fatass over there, he probably deserved it. Just don't pass notes, okay?" Mr. Garrison said and I nodded. The class was still shocked and silent as Mr. Garrison taught his lesson.

When the lunch bell rang, I got my cheeseburger and water bottle and sat in the same place as yesterday. Now nobody surrounded me, that was good. I want that.

But instead, they stared at me with wide eyes and talked in whispers. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone and eavesdropped on some of them.

"She's such a bitch!" "I know right?!" "She completely ignored you yesterday, Wendy!" "I know!"

"She's hot!" "Have you seen her yet?" "But she's crazy!" "Who cares?"

"WHY THE FUCK WOULD SHE WANT TO STRANGLE ME WITH MY DICK?! WHO THE FUCK SAYS THAT TO A PERSON?!" Cartman was freaking out across the cafeteria. "Anyone can say that to a person if you piss them off enough, fatass." Kyle said to him. "But she's a girl!" "So?" "She's a girl!!!" "I think we should try to be her friend." Kenny said.

I finished my cheeseburger and the bell rang, so we went back to class. Mr. Garrison taught a shit lesson that no body paid any attention to, and at the end, Cartman raised his hand.

"Yes, Eric?" "Why doesn't the new girl talk?" He asked and it was quiet again, and I just stared at my desk. "Eric, don't be rude." Mr. Garrison said. "Okay, miss Sarah, why doesn't thou speak-eth?" He said and I bit my lip to try to hold back tears.

"Eric Cartman!" "But I just don't understand! Why doesn't she speak? She doesn't talk at all! Does she even know how to speak? Is she like a little baby who can only make sounds? WHY DON'T YOU TALK, WOMAN?!" Cartman yelled and I stood up and punched him square in the face, then grabbed my bag and left.

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