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I was fine, so the next day I went to pick up the guys at the busstop. Kenny slid into the front seat, pecking me hello on the lips. "Save the coupley shit." Cartman groaned. Kenny and I smirked and kissed deeper. He yelled and gave up, us laughing from getting on his nerves.

When I got to school, they got out, but I stayed in the protection of my car. Kenny noticed this and stayed behind with me. "You okay?" He asked, taking my hand and rubbing soothing circles on it with his fingers. "Just... What if they talk about my breakdown? What if they think I'm weird or something?" I said and he cut me off with kiss.

"If anyone talks shit about you, I'll beat them up." He said and I smiled. "Alright. Just don't get yourself in trouble." I said and he smiled. "No promises." He said and we got out. We walked hand in hand to class and took our seats. I couldn't stop softly smiling through the lesson since Kenny was next to me, making silly faces under his hood whenever Garrison wasn't looking.

When the lunch bell rang, I grabbed my lemonade bottle and went to the lunch room to get lunch with the boys. "Hello children!" Chef greeted. "Hey Chef." We replied. "How're things?" "Kenny got a girlfriend!" Cartman announced loudly. "Really? Who?" Chef asked. "Sarah." They answered and I smiled proudly. "Well, just use protection, children, okay?" He said and I walked out with my food almost immediately, blushing furiously.

They joined me at the table, no one saying a word at the events that just happened. "So Sarah, you're dating Kenny now?" A voice behind me said, that I only identify as Wendy and her posse.

"Yes, she's dating me." Kenny said, putting an arm around my waist. "And you don't plan on breaking up anytime soon?" She questioned further. "No! Why would you ask that?" I said. "Just to make sure you weren't planning on whoring around with Stan." She shrugged.

I sighed and stood up to tower her in my heeled boots. "Sweetie, I don't even know why you care about him. You're broken up." I said and she shrugged again.

"I decided I want him back." She said and I sighed and shook my head. "Wendy, it doesn't work like that. Choose one and stick with it. Sorry Stan, but Wendy, you might as well give him up because we're all pretty tired of your back and forth, and... Well how can I say this nicely? You're keeping Stan from meeting someone who actually wants him. Oh, and deserves him." I said and her friends and her and everyone's jaws dropped.

"Well you don't deserve Kenny either! You're a whore and he's poor!" She yelled. "You know, I don't think we care. But in the case of you and Stan... Stan kicks ass and you suck ass." I said and she let out a scream of frustration and walked away. "Finally. Sorry, man. I just lost you Wendy for the second time." I said, apologising to Stan.

"It's fine. I'm glad you did, actually. She's annoying. And a bitch." He said through eating. "I knew there was a reason we let her in our group!" Cartman said happily. "Cartman, you were the only one against letting girls in our group." Kyle reminded him. "SHUT UP JEW!"

Another fight between them erupted and Kenny and I just sat back and watched, Kenny occasionally squeezing my hand or waist just to let me know he was still there.

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