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Monday morning I woke up confident. I knew Wendy would do exactly as I asked her to, without a doubt. I just wanted to hear what she has to say about me.

I got dressed and went out and drove to pick the boys up. Kenny greeted me with a quick kiss, and then they all went into detail telling me about how they beat this one guy at this video game and how epic it was.

Cartman was extremely quiet, which kinda puzzled me.

We got to school and got to class and Cartman was still silent. "Cartman, you okay?" I asked him and he just looked at me and nodded. "That's a lie. Tell me what's wrong." I said and he just put on a fake smile. "I'm fine." And he turned back to Kyle, who was talking to Stan and called, "no one wants to hear your lame story, Jew!" And he turned back to me. "See? Perfectly fine."

Class started and Garrison called other people up to read their essays. "Mrs. Garrison? I want to read mine again." Wendy said, hand shaking in the air and her voice slightly trembling.

"You read yours Friday, Wendy." "But I edited it and I want to share it. I- I insist." She recited and Garrison let her read.

She went and stood in front of the class. "I was wrong. Sluts should not be banished from society, but also, being a slut is not okay. The slut, or ex slut I'm talking about in particular is Sarah Germelman. I had a talk with her on Sunday, and I found that she is actually a pretty cool person. She isn't a slut at all, she's just confident. What she wears doesn't make her a slut, she's just confident enough to show her body, and it is still appropriate since she does cover most of herself up. She also is not a slut because she hangs out with a lot of guys, but they're only her friends, besides her one boyfriend. I also learned how badly it was hurting her, so can we not call her a slut or a whore because I was wrong." She said and the room was in complete silence.

They slowly clapped and I softly smiled to myself and Wendy stared right at me as I grinned wickedly.

Lunch soon came around and Cartman pulled me to where we could talk privately, by the lockers. "What is your problem?" I asked. "My problem is that you're a psychopath!" He hissed. "I don't see how that's a problem. You're a sociopath." "Yeah, but that's different! I just do things when I want, you plan everything you do down to the last detail!"

"Again, I don't see how that's a problem. It just shows I'm smarter than you." I shrugged. "It's just... Scary, y'know?" He shivered. "No, I wouldn't know. I can't get scared." I sighed. "That's scary. You're scary. Do you know how scary it was to watch you torture and nearly kill Wendy?" He said and I raised my hand to slap him, but I didn't.

"Would you shut up about that? I did what I had to, and I just needed a little help. Now, do you want to be where we left Wendy?" I said and he gulped. "I didn't think so. So just shut up and forget it ever happened. What's done is done, for God's sake." I rolled my eyes and walked to lunch.

"Where were you?" Kenny asked and I shrugged. "Cartman just wanted to bug me." I sighed and sat down as Kenny passed me my tray.

Cartman came in later and barely touched any food. "Cartman, are you okay? Seriously?" Stan said and he shrugged. "I'm alright."

"Whatever dude." Kyle sighed. I just smirked to myself. "Mind if I come over?" Kenny whispered to me. "Dude, you can come over anytime." I said and nudged his side.

I had gym later and was changing with the girls. I heard a faint click, and knew exactly what was happening.

I looked over at the air vent and smirked, seeing someone wink at me. I winked back and took my shirt off. Another click. God, he's such a perv.

"Sarah, I'm really, truly sorry for everything." Wendy apologised to me over and over. "Wendy, seriously, forget about it." I rolled my eyes and continued getting undressed.

With every article of clothing I took off, another faint click was heard. "Do you hear that?" Bebe asked and we all froze and listened, me playing clueless. I pulled on some short track shorts and another faint click was heard.

"Oh, that's my phone!" I covered for him and checked my phone, reading all the "unread messages". Kenny owed me for this.

When the girls left, I stayed behind and Kenny crawled out of the vent with a camera. "You owe me for covering for you." I said and he smiled and pulled his hood down. "Yeah, thanks." He said and we sat down on the bench.

"What are you doing in here, anyway? And I mean aside from being a pervert." I asked and he laughed. "I got bored and wanted to see my pretty girlfriend." He said and pushed my hair back.

He kissed me, and it was slow and sweet. "I wanna see those pictures later. I wanna know how I look." I said and he nodded.

"You look beautiful."

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