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It's been about two weeks since I've moved to South Park, Colorado, United States of America, Planet Earth, Milky Way Galaxy, The Universe, and things have been just fine.

Kenny's still my best friend, Cartman's still a fat asshole, Stan and Kyle are still nice and my friends, and Wendy and Bebe are still jealous bitches.

Today Wendy an Bebe decided it would be funny to throw balls of paper at my back. I rolled my eyes and ignored them as Kenny flipped them off and picked it off of me. "Thanks, Kenny." I mumbled and I saw a smile peek out of his hood.

"Why don't you two just screw and get it over with?" Cartman rolled his eyes. "Got something to share, Eric?" Mr. Garrison called him out. "Nooo, Mr. Garrison." Fatass said.

The lunch bell rang, and we said hello to Chef as we got our food. We sat down at a table and I ate my cheeseburger slowly. "So how much do you think they pay her?" Wendy asked Bebe as they walked past us. "Wendy, shut up." Stan sighed.

"No, really, Stan. How much does she charge for one BJ?" Wendy asked with a smirk on her face. "What will it take to get you to realise that Sarah's just our friend, and you aren't, so back the fuck up?" Kyle snapped.

"Fine, she's probably cheap, too. She'll probably make out with anyone." Wendy rolled her eyes and I stood up.

"You're right. I will make out with anyone." I shrugged and grabbed her face and kissed her. "WHOA! DUDE! LOOK!" Calls were heard all across the cafeteria. Wendy pushed me back, and I smirked at her and licked my lips.

"What's that? Peanut butter?" I asked and she screamed and ran out. I sat back down, cleaned my mouth out with water, and resumed eating my cheeseburger. "Dude, you just made out with Wendy!" Kenny exclaimed and I shrugged.

"She was asking for it." Cartman and I said at once. "Dude!" Stan and Kyle exclaimed at once. "You know what? Fuck this. I'm going home." I sighed and walked out, seeing Kenny following me.

"You don't have to come too." "I want to leave." "Okay. Get in." I said and we got in my baby and I drove to my house.

I parked in front of my house and we went in and I passed him a soda. "What do you want to do?" I asked and he shrugged. "I dunno." "Wanna watch a movie or something?" "I dunno. Sure. What do you have?" He asked and I grinned.

"Oh nothing, just the biggest movie collection you've ever seen!" I said, grabbing his hand and tugging him to a door by the TV, which was a closet that was filled with a whole bunch of movies. I saw his eyes widen and I smiled wider.

"As I said, the biggest movie collection you've ever seen." I boasted. "DUDE!" He yelled and I laughed. "Choose something!" I said and he picked The Avengers.

I grabbed chips and popcorn and more sodas and we sat and laid on the couch to watch The Avengers. "My favourite is Iron Man, but Loki is also pretty cool." I shrugged. "Iron Man." He agreed.

We watched The Avengers, and I made us dinner after cos Dale called and told me he'd be home late. I made chicken and mac & cheese for Kenny. "Dude, do you wanna stay over?" I asked and he shrugged. "It'll be cool with Dale, he doesn't care." I shrugged and he nodded. He called his parents real quick and told them he was over at a friends, not specifying that I was a girl.

We went up to my room and he stared wide eyed at the one wall with posters covering every inch, perfectly placed thanks to OCD. "You sure you're cousin is cool with this?" He asked and I nodded. "He should be. It's not like we'll be doing anything." I shrugged and Kenny nodded.

"I'm home!" I heard Dale call and I grinned and got Kenny to come downstairs with me. "Oh, hey Kenny. How're you two?" "We're good. I left some dinner for you in the microwave, can Kenny stay over?" I asked. "Sure..." He asked and I smiled and we went back upstairs before he could ask.

I grabbed my PJs and changed in the bathroom so Kenny could use my room to change. I knocked on the door. "You decent?" "Yep!" He called, voice not muffled. I stepped in and saw him in a grey T shirt and flannels. I was in shorts and a T shirt.

"Dude, what's that?" He asked, looking at my computer screen. A video was paused and buffering still, a porno I was watching last night.

"Dude, I didn't know you watched porn!" Kenny exclaimed. "Who doesn't watch porn?" I shrugged and carried my laptop over to the bed where we sat. "Tons of people." He shrugged in return. "Wanna watch it?" "Hell yeah!"

I restarted it and grabbed a water bottle to take a sip as we watched it. "Dude, the foreplay in this lasts forever, the girl comes like, five times." I said and saw his eyes widen. "Whoa." He breathed as the video went on.

Fifteen minutes or so later, the video ended and Kenny succeeded in not getting a boner. "Wanna watch another?" I asked and he shrugged. "Think you can sit through a seven minute one?" I asked and he smirked. "I know I can sit through a seven minute porno."

I clicked on another and we watched that one, getting a little weirded out when a girl had a dick in her vagina and was being fisted in her ass too... Weirdos.

I closed my laptop and put it back and we lied back. It was about eleven-ish, and I was a little tired. "You tired?" Kenny asked. "A little." I hummed. "Okay." He said and got up and out of bed. "Where are you going?" I asked. "The couch?" He said in confusion. "Dude, no way. You're sleeping in here." I laughed. "You don't care?" "Nope." I shrugged.

"Okay... Hand me a pillow." He said and I rolled my eyes. "Dude, Kenny. Get in the bed." I sighed and he climbed back in next to me. "You don't care if we share the same bed?" "No." "Why not?" "If you've seen me in my bra and not done anything about it, I can basically trust you with anything. And the fact that we just watched two pornos and you didn't jack off in front of me, I probably would trust you enough to get naked and sleep here." I said and his eyes widened even more.

"Dude. You're hardcore." He said and I laughed and lied down beside Kenny. "Goodnight, Kenny." "Night, Sarah."

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