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We were walking around like the losers we were a few days later, Cartman and Kyle and I fighting like always. "Why aren't we best friends, Kenny?" Stan asked and I stopped arguing to listen in.

"Because I'm poor and you like Jews." Kenny said with his muffled voice. "Dude! Not you too!" Kyle whined. "Na na na na na! The poor kid doesn't like the Jew!" Cartman teased him.

"I like Kyle just fine." Kenny shrugged. "Oh okay. Sorry Kenny." Kyle said. "T's alright."

We walked more, and Kyle and I stayed out of any arguments with Cartman. He was whining and complaining so much, we all just ignored him. "Are you guys replacing me?!?!" He suddenly yelled and we turned to stare at him.

"If that's the way you want to put it, fatass." Stan shrugged. "I dunno. I don't think anyone could replace Cartman." I said and I saw his cheeks heat up and turn a faint shade of red. "Really?" He squealed.

"Yeah. I don't know anyone else who could compete with your fat ass and jelly rolls." I shrugged and the boys died of laughter as we walked on.

"Poor homeless fag!" One man yelled at Kenny out of the blue as we passed him. "The fuck?" Kenny exclaimed and we turned to him in shock. "The fuck did you just say?" I gasped. "You shouldn't be around a poor faggot like him." He said, taking a few steps further, and I could smell the alcohol off of him.

I glared at him and he turned around and stumbled to go to his house. "Sarah? Sarah, come on." Stan said as they kept on walking and I was rooted in my place.

"No." "What?" "I said no. Just wait for me here." I said and stuffing my hands in my pockets and stalked off after him. "Sarah?! The hell are you doing?" Kyle yelled and pulled my arm to pull me back to them.

"No one can talk to Kenny, or any if you, like that around me. Now just wait for me here. If you see me running, you should run too, cos I don't run. And if the cops come, go straight home. You hear?" I said and they nodded with wide eyes.

"Stay." I said one last time and turned and followed the drunk home. I easily slipped into his house, since he lock the door completely. You could expect that of a drunk.

I looked around a bit and saw that he was in the kitchen. I grabbed a cane by the door and went to the kitchen. "Who the hell are you?" He yelled. "You talked shit about my best friend." I growled and advanced on him. "The poor kid? That's your best friend? Shame..." He said and eyed me.

He walked towards me and when he got close enough, I hit him on the side of his head with the curve of the cane, sending him to the ground. He screamed like a girl and I beat him to a pulp with the cane until he was hardly breathing.

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