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The boys were over at Kenny's a few days later. We were watching movies on my laptop. It was after school, and I was dressed comfortably in leggings and a sports bra and a jacket lying in bed with the others, who really didn't care.

We just finished The Crow, one of my favourites, and Kenny stole the laptop to look for something else to watch. Cartman looked over, then immediately jumped up and ran out, going all the way home.

Kenny smirked as he placed the laptop in front of me, Stan, and Kyle and pressed play. He got us to watch lesbian porn.

"Dude!" Kyle exclaimed. "Seriously, dude..." Stan sighed. "Let's watch another." I said and grabbed the laptop, typing in stuff on the site. I clicked play and got them to watch gay porn.

"Dude!" The two innocent boys screamed and Kenny and I fell back laughing. Stan slammed the laptop closed. "Just because you two are two sexually horny little fuckers doesn't mean everyone else is! Kyle doesn't even watch porn! You just scarred his eyes!" Stan yelled. We just kept laughing.

"Is that really what an erection looks like?" He said in shock. "What? You don't know?" I asked, falling quiet. "That's it. I'm going home. Let's go, Kyle. Let's them with their porn and maybe they'll finally fuck!" He shouted as he left with Kyle.

"Wonder if they're going to go screw." I said and Kenny shrugged. He tossed the laptop near the end of the bed and hovered over me. "I wondered when they'd leave us be." He sighed and opened up my jacket, exposing my chest, boobs being pushed up by the bra padding.

I have bruises all over me from previous hickeys, he kept making more every day, and I kept having to cover up to hide or someone somewhere will call me a slut.

We fell asleep and woke up in the same position, and got up and dressed. I went to pick the guys up, all of them were silent except Kyle, who was shaking in his seat.

"Dude, what's wrong?" I asked. "You terrorised him last night!" Stan said and I scoffed. "Fine. Sorry for scaring you, Kyle." I said. "Yeah, sorry, Kyle." Kenny said when I elbowed him.

"No, you didn't scare me... It's alright... I'm fine, really." Kyle stuttered. I got to the school and parked and got out, pulling out Kyle too. "Okay, Kyle, you're my best friend, right? All of you are my best friends. Best friends tell each other when something's wrong, and something wrong with you. Now tell me what's going on, Kyle." I said and he sighed.

"Can I speak with you privately? You're a girl, I think you're better at understanding..." He whispered and I nodded. "Of course, Kyle." I said and the guys got out. "I'm just going to go talk to him for a bit. Can someone take my bag, please? Thanks Kenny." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

I lead Kyle to the back of the school where the Goth kids usually hung out. But they didn't care, and we were far out of hearing range for them anyway.

"What's bothering you, Kyle?" I asked, my soft side coming out. "Well, it was that porn you showed us yesterday..." "Again, sorry about that..." I said and he shook his head. "No, I'm glad you showed me. I went home and I kinda had a dream about it..." "Okay, what dream? And remember, I won't judge you in the slightest." I said and he took a breath and nodded.

"It was a wet dream... And it was me and some other guy, and it felt... It felt good. And I was just thinking about it... And I think I'm gay." He said and I smiled.

"Oh, now you're going to laugh at me! I knew it! A gay Jew, who would've guessed?!" He started crying. I hugged him instead, my arms going around his neck, and I hugged the life out of him.

"What are you doing?" He asked in confusion, not yet hugging me back. "I'm showing you that it's okay. Now hug me back you idiot." I said and he laughed a bit and hugged me back.

"You aren't mad?" "No. Why would I be mad?" "I don't know. Your best friend is gay?" "Dude. I'm not even straight. I'm bisexual. I like boobs and dick." I shrugged.

"Oh. Really?" "Uh huh." "Well, that makes me more comfortable." He sighed and didn't let go just yet.

"Good. Oh, and whenever you come out to everyone else, if you want, make sure it's a really good time. Not just in the middle of class or something, okay? Make sure the timing is perfect." I said and he nodded against my shoulder.

"But what if- what if my parents don't accept me? Or Ike? What if Ike hates me after? What'll I do?" He said and I felt wetness on my shoulder.

"Kyle... If your parents are douchey assholes who don't accept you for who you are, I'll go back to my old house and you can live with me and Kenny." I said and he pulled back and smiled at me.

"Thanks, Sarah." He said and kissed my cheek. "Anytime, Kyle." I grinned and he cleared his face. "You okay now?" "Yeah. Much better." He smiled and we walked back, class almost starting. We ran through the empty hallways and to Garrison's classroom, just making it to our seats in time.

"So what happened?" Kenny asked. "I can't tell." I said quickly as he handed me my bag. "Why not?" "If you wanna know, ask Kyle. My lips are sealed." I said and he sighed. "Fine. Kyle! What happened? You okay, man?" He called and Kyle just grinned at him. I gave Kyle a look that clearly read "he's mine. Back the fuck of" and Kyle read it plain as day.

Class flew by and lunch rolled around. I left with Kenny for the day and we went home to do random crap.

The next day when I picked them up, Kyle looked different... He looked gay.

His coat and shirt were half undone and his hair poked out of his hat in long glossy curls and I'm pretty sure he was wearing powder and a bit of mascara and some glossy lip balm.

I literally got out and screamed, rushing over to hug him. "Dude, you look awesome!" I smiled brightly. "Well, I tried my best!" He sighed and checked his nails. "Holy motherfucking shit..." I sighed and pressed my hand to my heart. "I need a minute to breathe. This is too fucking much... Holy fuckballs!" I gasped.

"Is it too much?" He asked in a hushed tone and I shook my head. "Shit, man. No, God, you look great. Honest." I said and he smiled and got in the car and I drove to school.

When we parked and got out, everyone stared at Kyle. I grinned and walked with him, supporting him all the way to class.

"Sar, what the hell happened to Kyle?" Kenny asked me. "He's discovering himself." I sighed as we sat down. "Is that a good thing?" "That's a great thing." We looked back at him checking how he looked in a little compact mirror.

"Kyle! Jew don't be a fag!" Cartman shouted and I got up and punched him. "Ow!" "Shut up fatass!" I said and punched him again. "Again, ow!"

The day went on and Kyle was just so flaming, I could've burst.

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