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After the weekend was over, Kenny and I were allowed back in school and we went. Monday morning was dull as I picked the guys up, until we got to the school with our gauze off of the tattoos, exposing them to everyone.

"So did you two bang yet?" Cartman asked us loudly. "What?" Kenny asked. "I asked if you two SCREWED YET." He said even louder. "Cartman!" Stan and Kyle shouted. "WHAT? IM JUST ASKING IF KENNEH AND SARAH FUCKED YET!!!" He said, which caught the attention of a lot of people in the hallway.

"Cartman..." I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Dude! You don't ask that!" Stan groaned. We got to class and I sat next to them and punched Cartman in the arm when he wasn't looking. "OW!" He yelled and looked at me.

"You punch hard!" He complained and I glared at him. "Fine. I get it. What happens between you and the poor kid stays between you and the poor kid." He said and I scoffed.

Mr. Garrison started class and a familiar guy wearing black with a faded red hoodie stood at the front of the class. "Oh no..." Stan sighed. "What?" Kenny asked. "It's him. From the tattoo place." Stan said and I looked over, now recognising him.

"Introduce yourself." Garrison said and he sighed. "Hi. I'm Jonathan." And that's all he said. "Anything else?" Garrison asked. "Nope." He answered quickly. "Alright. Take that empty seat next to Wendy." He said. Oh shit. That's right behind me.

As he passed me, he gave me a quick smile which I returned without a thought. When I turned back, Kenny was looking at me with a "the fuck you think you're doing?" look. I just shrugged and shook my head.

Again we passed back and forth a bottle of whiskey until lunch rolled around. Stan and Kenny usually walked beside me, but today Jonathan was in Stan's place. Stan gave me a confused look and I just shrugged at him. We got our lunch and sat down, him sitting in front of me where Kyle usually sat.

"Are you poor?" Cartman asked. "No..." "Are you Jewish?" "No." "Are you Christian?" "I'm not religious." "Oh. Are you white?" "Yep. Obviously." "Are you gay?" "No." "Can you prove that?" "My girlfriend and I just broke up." "Oh. Damn!" Cartman was almost out of ideas to rip on him with.

"Why do you sound like that?" "Sound like what?" "Like Craig. Except more bored." "I dunno. It's just how I talk." He shrugged. "It's weird." Cartman said.

"Hey fatass. How about you shut your rude ass up?" I suggested and he just flipped me off. I flipped him back off and the boys joined in with me.

"So you were in the tattoo place yesterday. What did you get done?" He asked me. "I got a tattoo with him." I said and nodded my head to Kenny. "And he's your boyfriend, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Then you, sir, are one lucky guy." Jonathan said and I smirked. "He knows."

"Hi, I'm Jonathan the douchebag." He said and they smiled. "Kenny." "Kyle." "Stan." "Sarah." He smiled at all of us. "And the fat one is Cartman, I'm guessing." He said. "You're correct." I nodded and Cartman just huffed and turned away.

"Just a question. Why aren't you sitting with the girls? They talk about you all the time." He said and my eyes widened. "Nuh uh! What do they say?" I asked. "Just the normal girl stuff. 'I hate her fucking guts' y'know, the normal." He shrugged.

"No way!" I said and sat back. "Those bitches! Stan, could you be a sweetheart..." I started and he got up. "Already on it." "Thanks." I sighed and Kenny held my hand and traced soothing patterns on it as I angrily drank from the whiskey bottle.

I passed it back to Kenny as Stan came back. "What happened?" Kyle and I asked. "She's pissed, as usual." Stan shrugged and sat down. "That... You... You utter...." I mumbled and Jonathan and I said at the same time, "you utter cock!" And we both froze and looked up wide eyed at each other.

"No fucking way!" I grinned and he laughed. "No way... You?" "Yeah! You?" "Duh. How could I not? I never knew you had such kind words." "Ouch." "Too soon?" Jonathan asked.

"About six seconds too soon." We both said at the same time and jumped up. "No. Fucking. Way!" We both shouted. "This is crazy!" He exclaimed and I gave him a look. "Dingo ate my baby crazy?" We both said again and blew up in laughter.

"How well-" "wanna try?" "I guess." "Okay." We said and sat back down, getting face to face.

"Sam Winchester wears makeup. Sam Winchester cries through sex. Sam Winchester keeps a ruler by his bed so that every morning when he wakes up he- alright that's enough!" We both said at the same time. Our eyes widened and we stared at each other.

"Dude..." "I know." "But dude!" "I know!" We laughed again, and then noticed that the whole table and a few tables away were staring. I blushed and calmed myself down. The lunch bell rang and we walked back to class, I couldn't afford to walk out today now that I know someone else I can make references to with.

Garrison started the lesson back up and I couldn't pay attention between Jonathan making comments about every little thing right behind my ear and Kenny holding my hand and tracing patterns on it while we passed the bottle back and forth.

When the final bell rang, we all walked out and Jonathan went to his car. "Catch. You. Later..." He said slowly. "No you won't!" I sang back and we parted ways and I drove the guys home, Kenny and I going to his last. I parked and he got out without a word and I followed him in.

"Kenny, baby? Are you okay?" I asked as I follows him into his room and he took his coat and shirt off harshly, nearly ripping them in the process.

"I'm fine." He snapped as he lied down on the bed. I sighed and crawled on top of him, taking my jacket and shirt off as well. "Baby, you aren't jealous, are you?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Why would I be jealous?" He scoffed. "I dunno. Cos that's how guys get." I shrugged and trailed a single finger down the middle of his chest and stomach to the top of his jeans.

"Well I'm certainly not jealous of that dickbag if that's what you're getting at." He said, sitting up slowly. He held me tight to him and kissed my neck roughly, sure to leave a mark. I gasped as he left several hickeys across my neck, chest, and shoulders, and even a few on my back.

"You're mine, okay?" He said after leaving a new mark right between the top of my breasts and I nodded, biting my lip.

"Good girl." He purred and continued kissing me.

Living In South ParkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz