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Today is the day that Americans decided to celebrate Thanksgiving even though no other county does because apparently America is the shit.

Dale wanted me back in his house, because apparently he missed me, but I knew he was just sick of only having Victoria around for company.

So I went home with some of my stuff, leaving the rest at Kenny's for when I stayed there. Dale gave me a huge hug and let me go get dressed since we invited the McCormick's over today.

So I got dressed in one of my favourite dresses, black, goes to mid thigh with a skirt that poofs out at the tight waistline that just begged to show off my curves.

I was just putting a bow in my hair when I heard Dale open the front door. I smiled and strapped on some heels and went downstairs to greet them.

There were all the McCormicks. Kenny looked awesome in a suit with his orange parka hood over it, hiding him from the rest of humanity. His little sister, Karen, looked adorable in a light blue dress and her hair pinned and braided back. His older brother, Kevin, wore a suit identical to Kenny's minus the parka. Carol and Stuart wore matching blue suits and dresses and I loved how their family was so co-ordinated despite their budget.

I hugged Kenny and he took his hood off to give me a quick kiss hello even though we were just with each other not two hours ago. "You look great." He said, eyes pervertedly looking over me. "Thanks. You do too." I smiled at him.

We all got through introductions and sat down at the table and Dale and I brought food out. In the first hour I got here, I spent time cooking with Dale, and even made my special mashed potatoes.

We sat down to eat and the McCormick's said grace and everything they were thankful for. When it got to Kenny's turn, he just simply said my name. Then I guess it was my turn since everyone looked to me. I squeezed Kenny's hand and thought it over.

"I'm thankful for life, because it's one thing many people take for granted. And of course, also thankful for family and Kenny, being as they're some of the only people who can tolerate me." I said and that was mine. I'm done for today.

After Dale went, we started eating and talking. Kenny, being the horny pervert he was, had his hand on my thigh when he didn't need his left hand.

Soon they were all talking about things they just love. Kenny had taken his parka completely off and the messy golden hair was out and wild.

"I love how this is the first thanksgiving that we just don't have creamed corn." Stuart said. "I love how Sarah is the only one who can get Kenny to take off his hood." Carol sighed and I blushed and stared down in my lap with a smile, perverted thoughts coming to mine.

"Oh, trust me, she can get him to take off more than the hood." Dale said and I dropped my fork and hid my burning face in silence as they laughed. "Oh, we know." Carol said and Kenny was frozen next to me.

"We've walked in a few times on them asleep, actually. Son, just make sure you use protection." Stuart said and I just sighed. "Uh, dad? Can we not?" Kenny mumbled and I looked up, pushing my hair back, once I was sure my face cooled down. Kenny's face was still bright red, though. I laughed at how cute he looked.

We got through desert too, and Kenny and I went to hide from more jokes and comments about us. "Well. That was embarrassing." He sighed and I laughed. "Your face was perfect." I laughed and he rolled his eyes at me.

Then he stood up and started taking his suit off. "Dude! Your family is just downstairs!" I whisper yelled. "Oh chill out. I'm not getting naked." He said as he pulled the button up shirt off. Underneath his suit was his everyday T shirt and jeans.

"Dude, you must have been hot in that." I raised my eyebrow. "Nah. But you look hot in that." He winked and I laughed. "I'm fucking serious! Your boobs are literally just hanging out there! Don't you ever put those away!" He said and I blushed.

He kissed me quickly, then slowly, deciding we wanted to savour the kiss. It was a damn good kiss after all. He tasted like chocolate and cinnamon from the pie mixed with the strawberry lip balm I had on, it was just plain heaven.

The sweet kiss turned hot and heavy when he started feeling my breasts. I was wearing a push-up bra, and the neckline on the dress was kinda low... And Kenny's a perv, so what did I expect?

We made out on my bed, and soon he was in between my legs with my dress hitched up around my hips. I saw him eye my underwear and he smirked. "Pretty cute down there." He winked and I blushed and propped myself up with my elbows.

"You know, I can almost picture us together like this..." I heard him whisper and I closed my eyes, the image almost there before he kissed me to break me out of my thoughts.

It was one of the best make outs I've ever had with him.

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