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Kenny stayed over and we got up in the morning and went to pick the rest of them up. We got to school and all the girls were snickering at me. Or it seemed.

"The fuck did I do?" I asked and they all shrugged. We got to class and Wendy came up to me. "Sarah, come with me for a second." She said and I sat back in my seat and stared at her. "Why?" I asked. "Cos I need to show you something."

"How do I know you're not going to take revenge on me?" I asked. "Cos I'm not crazy, and you are. Just come on!" She said and pulled me up.

"Fine. But just so you know." I said and turned her around to face me. "One move. Just one move out of place I have a knife, and I will use it." I said and she nodded quickly. "Lead on." I said and she lead me to the girl's bathroom.

Inside were all of the girls in our class reading and giggling at one sheet of paper. "What's this?" I asked and Wendy handed it to me. "A list of all the guys in our class, cutest to ugliest." She said and I read over it.

"Why is Kyle at the bottom?" I asked and they exchanged looks. "Why do you care?" "Cos he's my friend." I said. "But I thought you were dating Kenny." "I am. Kyle's my best friend and I don't wanna see him butthurt over this. If he sees it." I said and they laughed.

"No guy ever sees these lists. Kyle won't ever know." "Yeah, and about that. Why's Kenny at the bottom too? He's cute." I'm lying. Kenny's fucking beautiful.

"He's poor." "Have you ever seen him shirtless?" I said and they exchanged looks again and shook their heads. "If you ever do see him shirtless, you'd understand." I sighed.

"Does he have a six pack?" "Is he toned?" "What's his chest like?" They asked and I bit my lip, not wanting to tell them.

"C'mon, tell us! Kenny won't ever know you told us! Please! It'll be just like the time Bebe told us how she took Craig's virginity!" Wendy said.

"Oh, fine... But you've got to promise to never EVER tell Kenny, or anyone. Okay?" I said and they swore.


I sent some of the guys out to find where Sarah went with Wendy, just to make sure they were okay. I walked past the girl's bathroom and heard Sarah's voice coming out of it.

"Oh, fine... But you've got to promise to never EVER tell Kenny, or anyone. Okay?" She said and they all said okay right afterwards.

I listened in closely. "Kenny, what are you-" Stan said and I shushed them and dragged them over to listen.

"Please tell us, Sarah!" "Yeah, we promised we wouldn't tell!" Wendy and Bebe's voices said.

"Alright alright! He's toned, yeah, he doesn't have a full six pack yet, but he's working on it. He's so fucking toned, oh my holy fuck. He's also a great kisser, too. Much better than-" "have you seen any of the other guys shirtless?!" Red interrupted.

"I don't think so, no." Sarah said. "Have you done anything dirty with him?"

"Umm... Yeah... He's seen me half naked before, and that's about as dirty as it got. Other than the times he grabbed my ass in public and literally shoved his hand down my pants in front of the guys." Sarah said and I felt my temper rising.

"Oh my God! What did you do?!" "I screamed at him, obviously." Sarah scoffed. "Omg! We so promise not to tell anyone, especially not Kenny!" Rebecca giggled. "Thanks." Sarah sighed and I stormed off back to class with Stan and Kyle.

"Dude!" "Whoa!" They said in shock. "What happened?" Cartman asked. "We just found that Sarah might be cheating on Kenny!" Kyle said. I just kept silent.

"Whoa! Dude, are you okay?" He said and I shrugged angrily.

"Hey! Attention! When Sarah walks in, just give her the silent treatment, okay? Don't ask why, just do it. We'll explain at lunch." Cartman said and the guys nodded.

Sarah walked in with the girls and we all fell silent. I glared at the board and she kissed my cheek and sat next to me. Her lips were soft and warm, and I loved the feel of them against my skin. I almost wanted to pull her close and tell her to never stop kissing me, but then I remember what she said in the bathroom.

"Miss me, guys?" She asked and we didn't answer. "Alrighty then." She shrugged and Wendy continued talking to her.

"Hey, you wanna come sit with us at lunch?" "Can't. I'm leaving right before lunch cos a doctor is coming to visit." She sighed. I knew she hated hospitals and doctors. I visited her and watched through the window, even though she couldn't see me. She hummed "Carry On My Wayward Son" for three days and glared at doctors and nurses when they came in.

I scoffed at that and she turned toward me quickly. "Kenny, you okay?" She asked and I gave a quick nod. "Wanna come over later?" She asked and as much as I wanted to say yes, I said a muffled and mad "no." instead.

"Oh, alright." She said and fell quiet just as class began. I sat through the lesson in a bored manner, but all I could think about was making her tell me who she was cheating on me with so I could kill that bastard.

Right before lunch she left and I scoffed again once she was gone. We went to lunch and the girls say at one table while the guys were at the other. I saw the girls keep looking back at me and giggling.

"Why were we giving Sarah the silent treatment?" Craig asked. "Cos we're pretty certain she's cheating on Kenny." Stan explained and they fell silent.

"Sorry, man." Token said and they all nodded in agreement. I just shrugged and played around with the food on my tray. "Well, d-do we kn-know who s-she was-s cheating wi-with? GAH!" Tweek asked and we shook our heads.

"It better not have been any of you!" I threatened. "No way, dude! Never!" They said and I calmed down again. "I thought about asking her out, when she was knew, gosh she's pretty. But you got to her first, Kenny." Butters said and I sighed. "Now someone else has her." I folded my arms on the table and buried my head in them.

"Dudes, he's really upset." "Well yeah, they just got to the 'I love you' phase." Stan said. They all groaned and I just sighed again. "It's not a phase, I do love her!" I defended myself. "I'm not saying you don't. You fucking gave her a ring." Kyle said and they all gasped.

"Exactly..." I sighed.

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