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I bullshitted Sunday away and now it's Monday and I have to go to school. I got dressed in my normal black clothes and put on the jacket that I usually left unzipped. I got a lot of looks from the other kids and I ignored them all.

"Faker." I heard Wendy cough and I ignored her stupid ass too. "Ignore her." Stan sighed. "That's what I'm doing." I said as I sat down.

"So you went to the court to get your compensation?" Cartman asked and I nodded. "How much did you get?" "None of your business, fat ass." I rolled.

Mr. Garrison got us to read silently, so I took out "It" and read about the murderous clown. I love Pennywise.

"Omg, Bebe, Red told me that she broke into his house and beat him up and lied about everything, and the dude was just too drunk to care." I heard Wendy snigger behind. "Really? Cos Esther told me that she let him touch her and they faked the whole thing." Bebe replied. I rolled my eyes, but bit my lip.

"I heard Heidi say that she planned the whole thing with the guy, and that Kenny goes over to her place every afternoon!" "Such a slut!" "What a whore!" "Ugh, I can't stand her!"

I'm not going to cause a scene. Nope. Not going to cause a scene at all...

"Would you girls shut up?!" Kenny yelled for me. "Dude!" Stan said shocked. "Sorry, but it's getting on my nerves on how much shit they're talking about Sarah." He sighed. "Don't worry, he's just sticking up for his girlfriend." Cartman sighed.

I opened my mouth to speak, but Kenny beat me to it. "She's not my girlfriend! We're best friends, and I do spend near everyday at her house cos she's the nicest person and doesn't care that I'm poor or smell or anything, and she doesn't deserve the shit that's coming out of your fucking mouths. You haven't seen her cry because of all the fucking stupid shit you say behind her back, and you certainly haven't been there while she was at her lowest point. So just stop it." He said and I sat there in shock.

The whole class was silent and I felt eyes on me. "The fact that she just got out of juvi and had to deal with all that and you still talk about her makes it even worse." He sighed. It was still silent and the back of my neck of burning.

"Can I go?" I mumbled and no one answered, so I just grabbed my bag and left, Kenny right behind me. "Hey, are you okay?" He said, grabbing my shoulder and turning me. "I'm fine." "I speak girl, and I know that's a lie." He said and I smiled down at my feet.

"I'm not okay..." I said and he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked to my car. "Let me drive." He offered and I passed him the keys. He drove to my house and we went in and up to my room and sat on my bed together.

"I'm here if you need to cry or something." He said and I turned and hugged his side and lied my head on his shoulder. "Just shhh..." I said and he nodded and sat there letting me hug him.

"You're the best, Kenny. Really." I sighed after a few minutes. We bullshitted this day too, and always stayed at least a few inches away from each other. After school ended, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman came to get us to go somewhere.

Cartman dragged us to the amusement park and we walked around, eating cotton candy and popcorn. I hated popcorn, so I stuck with cotton candy. Before I knew what was happening, Kyle and Stan dragged me back to talk.

"Hey, we just wanted to know. Who do you like?" They asked. "Uhhh... Why?" I asked. "Cod we know someone who likes you." Stan said. "Okay... Uh, I think you know who I like..." "Kenny?" "Kenny." They asked and I confirmed.

"He likes you too, he doesn't like to admit it to his crushes. So, just kiss him or something, and don't tell him that we told you." Kyle said and I nearly screamed.

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