"You did really well with the hike today, y'know.", I started laughing because I remembered his face when he saw Chris there, how priceless it was. I wish I'd taken a photo, but I didn't want to intrude on his moment.

"You and Chris seemed to really hit it off.", he got up to rinse the plates and put them in the dishwasher, but not before kissing me on the head.

"What was that for?", even though I liked the gesture, I was left a bit puzzled, still not knowing him well enough to know if he was usually this affectionate with his friends.

"For surprising me in the best way possible. I like it when people listen to what I'm saying, it's something we take for granted these days.", Harry finished loading the dishwasher and pulled two chocolate mousses out of his fridge.

"Well, thank you for getting rid of the dirty plates, you remembered my weird OCD with the dishes.", we moved over to his terrace, the sun was warming up the deck chairs and I just kept thinking how lovely of a season spring is.

"I'm always going to pay attention to you and what you're sharing. You don't share a lot and the little you do share should be remembered.", he said nonchalantly, managing to surprise me with his ability to read who I am.

"I guess you're right. I am quite a private person when it comes to my feelings, I like to process how I feel about someone before I share more of myself with them. Been burned more than once.", he changed his position from 'relaxed and lying down' to 'tell me more' very quickly.

"Proceed.", the smudge of chocolate on his upper lip was driving me crazy but I decided we weren't at that stage where I could just run my finger along his lip and wipe it off. It was the first time I'd imagined doing something like that to him, and I honestly didn't know how I felt about it.

"Just that I've shared myself with some people that ended up not being worth my time, so I've changed the way I approach relationships – with potential friends or potential lovers. I assess the level of trust I have with someone before sharing too much.", Harry nodded, still focusing all of his attention on me.

"Relationships, romantic ones, were never my strong suit. Whenever I started something it always ended fairly quickly because I decided that I didn't want to share my free time and/or feelings with them.", I decided to be honest about my past relationships, and it wasn't a hard decision because Harry was the one sitting next to me, instead of it being an irrelevant person I didn't care for, like usually.

"What I'm hearing is you're a hard onion to peel, but once one succeeds they will get the best guacamole if they use you for it.", he turned my confession into something a bit more lighthearted which I was thankful for.

"Basically, but only if peeling onions doesn't make you cry.", we both burst out laughing at the absurdity of the metaphor.

"It's alright, teacup! I'm sure getting to the core will prove itself worthy of our tears.", there was something so calm about the way he said it, a certain determination noticeable in his voice, and it made me feel warm and protected. Like I knew something was coming, I didn't know exactly what it was, but I knew the process would go fine, because it was with Harry.

Harry went inside to get his notebook and I sat on the edge of his pool, my feet swaying in the water. A Stevie Nicks song was playing from my phone and I heard a camera shutter all of a sudden. I turned around to Harry sitting on a chair with a polaroid camera resting in his hands.

"Oi, I thought there was some sort of 'no photos' rule within your circle.", I put my tongue out and squinted my eyes because of the sunshine, and the camera clicked again.

"No such thing. I love taking photos of my friends and with them. I just have a rule of not posting photos of and with them because they could get attacked by mobs of people the next time they go out. And my friends don't really post my photos in real time because somebody could figure out where we are and it can stop being enjoyable for us.", what he said totally made sense.

"I get it. Besides, social media is just a bunch of lies that make people feel like they have it together. You don't really post your most intimate and private moments on Instagram for the whole world to see. You simply enjoy them and keep those memories close to the vest.", I pulled up the camera on my phone and snapped a pic of Harry in his shorts, with a fedora on top of his head. How he managed to look cool in anything, was a question I'd never stop asking. I knew that photo would be something I'd cherish forever, the moment behind it was priceless and a memory I'd always look back on fondly. 


A/N: Stevie Nicks, ladies and gentlemen... that's it. That's the tweet :P All joking aside, this song matches the chapter so well, I love it! Could you imagine having Harry cook you lunch? I bet he's a good cook (*screams* "get out of my kitchen"). 

TPWK, always.

Comment and vote, pretty please.


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