I pulled on Ryder's shirt and pointed at the store as this had become how I asked about things.

"That's a hair salon, Sweetheart," He says with that gorgeous smile. "It's called Suite One. They cut people's hair, put them in cool styles, even put cool liquids in it to make it look different colors."

Almost instinctively, I put my hand up to my hair. I'd never had my hair cut before. I suppose it is a little long. Every other male that I've seen has short hair, while mine goes past my shoulders. I pull again on Ryder's shirt and take a few steps toward the store.

"Are you sure? I'm not against you getting a haircut, but I do think that your long hair is pretty cute." I pull on him again, and we all go into the store.

This place is really weird. All of the seats are covered in fake animal hair, and all along the right wall are a bunch of bottles that hold Goddess knows what. Damien takes me to sit on a couch and gives me a little book of hairstyles for me to look at while Ryder talks to a lady at the front desk. A little while later, a lady with big red fingernails comes from a hallway. 

"Helloooooooo, my Darling!" Oh Goddess, please don't tell me that she's talking to me. She walks toward me. "I hear that you would like a haircut from the WONDEROUS Lizzie Barnson! Well, don't you worry! We'll get that hair PERFECT in no time!" She grabs my arm and leads me into the back. I look pleadingly at Damien and Ryder, but they just smile back obviously trying no to laugh.

She gestures me to sit in this weird chair, and when I do she places a big plastic blanket over me. 

"SO! Darling!" Why is she screaming? Why does her voice change every other word? Is she ok? "What kind of STYLE are we LOOKING for?" She plays with my hair as she talks, pushing it in different directions like I'm a doll. I just shrug. I just want my hair shorter, after all.

This doesn't deter Mrs. Loonybin. "OOOOH, what fun! A blank CANVAS for me to create my MAGNUM OPUS! I'm going to make you look SO CHIC!"

And she's off! I honestly could not tell you what she did to me, but the best description is what happens on the inside of a vacuum cleaner when you turn it on. Just a bunch of swirling around and weird enthusiastic sounds from Lizzie.

When she finishes, she slams her scissors down on the counter and exclaims, "TA-DA! MAGNIFIQUE!" 

I examine myself in the mirror. It's kind of the same as before, but a lot shorter and a lot cleaner. Now my hair sort of frames my face and hides my fat forehead. This lady may be crazy, but she's good. 

I, very quietly, say thank you. She just smiles and drags me back out front, depositing me in front of the boys.

When they see me, they give me this look that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. They thank the lady and bring out into the main building. 

Damien gives me a big kiss on the cheek, "You look beautiful, baby. Better than I imagined."

Ryder kisses the other cheek and says, "Yeah, what he said but with much fancier words."

I giggle a little bit. I really like being with these boys. I know they're just lying to make me feel better, but I appreciate it anyway.

We head back outside to the "Car" with me holding onto their shirts. When I get back into my seat, a sudden wave of exhaustion hits me. I didn't realize how exhausting walking around all day could be but compared to what I'm used to it's a LOT.

My eyes are already drooping when the boys get in the car. The last thing I hear is Damien's gruff voice saying, "Don't fight it, Love. You've had a big day. Close your eyes and let yourself sleep." I let out a sigh in contentment and fall into oblivion.


OOF this was a big boy chapter. 2122 words, for those interested.

I think I'm gonna change how I write these chapters. I have decided that I am going to end whenever the chapter feels complete, rather than when I get to 1000 words. Each will still be a minimum of 1000, but I'm not going to set a max. That way, you guys can get your content at a reasonable rate. 

Speaking of which, thanks again to everyone who reads my stories. I truly appreciate it more than you could ever imagine. 

Please, Please, PLEASE answer the question on my authors note. It's very important to the story and I kind of need your input.

Once again, thank you for everything, and be sure to leave comments on what you think of the story. I will ALWAYS respond. 

See you guys tomorrow!

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