[8] Intrulogical

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Based on the prompt from @sanderssides_prompts on Instagram

Remus had been with Logan for three years, and every year, he didn't know what to get for his boyfriend. Logan somehow always got him the best gifts imaginable, leaving Remus speechless and unable to live up to his gift.

So, Remus turned to the Internet, hoping there was a better option on there than anything he could come up with. All he found was more science equipment or space viewing things. They were definitely not what Logan needed.

He went to Roman, but he was too busy flirting with Deceit, the way he always was. Anyone would think they'd be together finally, but they still weren't past the flirting and unable to get together. For some reason.

Roman didn't give him any ideas, and deceit just brushed him off, unable to focus on anything else other than Roman.

He tried Virgil and Patton, but they only told him what he already knew. Space and science. Get some something like that. But Remus had no idea what else to try.

He sighed and pulled up another space website, immediately perking up. Buying and naming a star? That would be the perfect gift.

Remus immediately hit pay, and typed in the name. 'Edison'.


Remus smiled and pulled out the certificate, handing it to Logan.

"I hope it's okay for you..." Remus smiled shyly.

"You named a star," Logan commented.

"For you."

Logan smiled and kissed Remus softly. "I love it. Thank you."

Remus smiled. Maybe it wasn't the most exquisite of gifts, but it made Logan happy, and that was all that mattered to Remus.

264 words

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