[13] Creativitwins (Platonic)

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This draft has been ongoing for a few months now. I couldn't for the life of me think of what to do for Creativitwins. So have this thing that was going to be a college submission. In the end it turned into an Instagram thing and now you guys get it too.

Enjoy ^_^

T.W. Brief mentions of an argument.

Roman had never particularly envied Remus, of course he'd never had reason to. They were different, and Roman relished in that. He didn't need to know what his brother was up to or how he lived his life, they had their own lives, and that was that.

Sure, they saw one another at home and talked to one another, but it wasn't enough to be invested in each other's lives. Roman had theatre and friends to worry about, whereas Remus had a friend and track to focus on. They didn't have time to worry about the other and how opposite they really were.

Roman sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Remus and their parents were arguing again and he was sick of the noise. He had a huge test coming up and he couldn't afford to fail. If he failed, he'd end up being kicked out of the production. He'd already shut his door and put on music, but they were too loud for him to focus.

He flinched as one of the doors slammed shut, barely registering as his own door swung open. He turned around in his chair, watching his brother pace back and forth.

"I hate them! Why do they compare me to you? It's so annoying! I do sports, I get decent grades, I do what they ask, but I'm still not enough!" Remus stopped and looked at Roman, "switch with me! I'll be you for a day, and you'll be me!"

Roman froze, barely processing what Remus was saying. Switch places? It wouldn't work. They were opposites! Someone would figure it out and they'd end up in trouble. Their parents would blame Remus and it would make it all worse.

"Please, Roman? They're annoying. I do everything they ask and want, but they still hate me."

"They don't hate you, they're just not used to us being opposites. We used to be so alike. Plus, you and I don't look anything alike. We'd be found out within seconds." Roman looked at Remus, trying to figure out what he could do or say to convince Remus it wouldn't work.

"That's why we work together and help one another change.We can make it work. I want them to love me like they love you. I don't understand why they love you so much more. Please, switch with me."

Roman looked at his homework and sighed. He really didn't want to. If they found out it wasn't him on the day of the test, he'd fail and lose his spot in the school play. He didn't want that. It couldn't happen.

"One day," Remus tried, hoping it would convince Roman enough.

"Fine. One day. But it's got to wait until the day after tomorrow. I have a test."

Remus grinned and hugged Roman tightly. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Roman pushed him away and smiled. He wouldn't ever say it, but seeing his brother happy, made him feel all kinds of happiness.

A few days later, Roman and Remus got up a few hours earlier, ready to become one another for a day. They'd quickly dressed in one another's clothing, and were doing what little makeup to shape their jawlines that was needed.

Roman stood back and admired his work, smiling to himself. His brother looked good, if he did say so himself.

As they looked at themselves in the mirror, it truly was shocking to realise how much they looked like their twin.

"Okay, remember, I have lots of friends and I always interact with them all at lunch. That'll be the hardest point of today. They will notice if you say the wrong thing or act even slightly wrong. It's usually only as a group they will realise. Individually, they're pretty easy to deal with," Roman reminded Remus.

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