[5] Intruloceit

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Deceit shivered as he curled up further under his blanket. The temperature had dropped, and with it went his entire body temperature. It was like the concept of warmth didn't exist to his head. The cold made his snake half much colder than it needed to be. Which meant he was constantly huddled under a blanket until he could even warm up slightly.

Logan, who had previously been reading and cuddling a cup of coffee against his chest, was finally next to him and half hugging him. Though it wasn't ideal, it was better than nothing. De couldn't complain.

Remus was off doing who knows what, leaving the two boyfriends to cuddle and await his return. Though it wasn't uncommon for Remus to be gone for extended periods of time, he was usually back already.

Deceit whimpered softly as a draft filtered into the room and added to the already cold temperature. He'd gladly have snagged two or three more blankets, but his boyfriends didn't like when he over-huddled. Something about it being too warm for them to cuddle him too.

Remus finally came downstairs, a white electrical contraption in his hands. He set it on the coffee table with a proud smile.

"Remus, my love, what is that?" Deceit looked at him and smiled a little at his proud expression.

"So, y'know how Roman can summon stuff and create his stuff at his own will? Well I've been trying for weeks now to summon stuff too. Cause we're both creativity, so it would only make sense that I could too. It started small, like small sex toys and plush puppies for Patton. Until I finally worked up to this! It's a heater for you, double De."

"I'm not sure I follow?" Logan frowned.

"Heater creates heat. Deceit needs heat because it's cold. He can have it directed at him and still have a blanket, and we can sit either side of him without a blanket and not be too hot! I designed it so it would have a single column of heat and not be dispelled into the cone kinda shape heaters and fans do."

"I have to say, I'm rather impressed, Remus," Logan smiled at their boyfriend.

Deceit say forward and turned it on, immediately letting out a small hiss-like sigh at the warmth he got.

Remus smiled and sat next to him, cuddling up to his side. Logan mirrored him and the three sat watching a movie for the entire test of the day. Deceit not once complaining of being cold.

It was perfect.

429 words

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