𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘;jacob back

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This will be no one's pov so I think I will be the one.. Anyways happy reading! 💛

"Bye pumpkin" jacob said and kissed your cheek. "Jacob!" You whined at him and he ride his motorcycle laughing. You hate him calling you pumpkin because it brings back your emabarassing moment when the two of you were kids. You have nothing to do but to enter the hell even thought you are lazy. Hell as in school.
You walk in your first period. History. This time you were talking about the french revolution. "Guess I'll need Carlisle for this" you growled and continue to listen. Finally the class has ended. "(Y/N), stay" your teacher said. You rolled your eyes and sat at the front. "Yes??" You wait patiently. "So i am going to ask you a favor," "what is it?"

"Please come in" you looked over the door and saw a tall guy with blond hair and very masculine body. "Introduce yourself please.." My teacher told him. "Hi i am chris. Chris stephen." I got a bit lost in his ocean colored eyes. He is gorgeous. But not as gorgeous as my jacob.(Y/N). .(Y/N) (Y/L/N)."

I glanced at our teacher. "So chris is just a transferee here but since you've been in this school for a long time, i am going to assign you to tour him around the school and help him. Would that be okay? That will serve as your project." I nod at her and went out the room.

"So this is the gym, this is where we play and go together when the principal has something to say" i glanced at him as he wrote notes. I continued to walk, discussing him some things while he follows me behind. Finally the school bell rings and show him his locker.He thanked me and i nodded, walking outside of the school. I saw jacob, leaning in his motorcycle i waved at him ".(Y/N)!" I looked back only to see chris. I smiled at him."yes?" He scratched his head. He seems nervous." D-do you wanna hang out??" I was surprised. Despite of him complimenting me non-stop awhile ago, i am not expecting this. I looked back at jacob which is gone. "What? Where is he?" I mumbled.

"Uhm....I am sorry chris but i have plans tonight. Is this a friendly hangout?" I ask titlting mg head slitely. "W-what? No uhm..s-sure why not?" "I need to go" i said and pat his shoulders. I have no choice but to walk. I need to go to jacob and ask him why he left me all of a sudden. I don'r care if there's an emergency i jusy need an explanation. I arrived at my house, throwing my bag at my room, grabbing my phone and shutting the door behind me. I rushed over at jacob's and saw billy ouside.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He smiled. "Hey billy...uhm..is jacob there?" I ask, putting my hands inside the pocket of my jeans. "Oohh did something happened? He is on the cliff. Running" i thanked billy and rushed over the cliff. There, i saw jacob in his wolf form. I took a deep breath and called him. "Jake..." He looked at me. We stared at each other for a very long time. " what hapened?" I asked him.He just looked at me and started to walk away. "Jacob! For god's sake what is your problem!?" I yelled at him, loosing my temper. He hid behind the bushes, and came out with his human form again. He looked at me sternly, walking pass me.

I grabbed his arm and make him face me. "Tell me, what's wrong? Why did you left awhile ago? Did something happened?" this time my voice is soft. "You could've just tell-" "Do you love me?" He asked me. I was surprised at him. He looked at me. His eyes were full of sadness. "Yes i am jake. I love you." I stared at him. "Then who is the guy you are talking to awhile ago?" He asked, his voice raising a bit. Suddenly i giggled which made him confused. "Aww are you jealous!???" I asked and laugh. "Y-yes i am!" He yelled back but i keep on laughing. I tiptoed and kissed him quick in his soft lips. "Don't be. I was just assigned to help him. I still love you jake. You are the only man i will love with my whole life." I said and hugged him. "My wetfur" and then i laughed. "Oh so i smell like wetfur? You'll regret that pumpkin" i can't help but to ran away while he chase me.

(What he called you)
He calls you pumpkin because when you are both kids, you got mad at him, and threw the pumpkin but you accidentally hit the neighbor's window. And you were grounded for 1 week because of that.

(What you call him)
Lost doggo. That is the real one that you call him not wetfur. You only call him wet fur If you want to tease him. You call him Lost doggo because everytime you go to a place that isn't familiar athim, he will find you and gets nervous and he looks like a lost puppy.

Jacob gets jealous when other guys touch or talk to you for a very long time. He will ignore you for a week and he will hide from you. He often went on runs around the cliff.

Please share this story to other fellow twilight fan readers 😊

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