It wasn't recent, Sakura noted. Judging from the date, it was about twenty years ago. She couldn't help but think how adorable Sasuke and Itachi were. Fugaku gestured for her to seat at a chair in front of his polished oak desk. The chair wasn't as fancy as Fugaku's swiveling leather chair with a cup holder, but it had one of the smoothest leather Sakura had ever felt. 

Fugaku shifted through stacks of paper, the sound of rustling interrupting the otherwise silent room. Sakura sat up straightly, trying to look as proper as she could before reminding herself that she didn't need to appeal to Fugaku. She cleared her throat after a few awkward minutes passed, " wanted to see me?"

Fugaku winced at those loudness, and Sakura knew that he was about thinking how informal she spoke. Nonetheless he replied, "We will not commence the meeting until somebody else arrives."

He gestured towards to an identical chair to Sakura's right besides hers. She shifted uncomfortably. Whoever it was, she hoped that they would be quick. As if on cue, she heard a few muffle voices at the door. 

"What are you waiting for? Father's been waiting for you," her eyes widened as she recognized Itachi's voice. Could he be the one? No, it was probably the person Itachi was talking to. "Seriously, you're late to a meeting that used to be in your old home."

"House, not home, nii-san."

No way.



earlier this morning


"Uh, Sasuke? Your phone is ringing."

"Go answer it and tell whoever it is to shut up, dobe."

"No, you get the hell up. It's your brother."

Irritated, Sasuke reluctantly dragged himself out of his warm covers to answer the ringing device, making sure to shoot a glare towards his roommate who was still buried underneath his quilt. "Itachi."

"Sasuke, don't sound so disappointed," Itachi said wryly. "Have you forgotten that you have a meeting with Father in about an hour?"


Sasuke grabbed his phone and went into the bathroom to get ready, clutching some navy trousers and a white button-up shirt. 

"Better hurry, Sasuke," Itachi sighed. "And are you sure you're making the right decision, not telling Sakura?"

"I know," Sasuke rolled his eyes, buttoning up the final button. He tightened his belt. "Sakura already wanted to drop our relationship because she didn't want to worsen my relationship with Father. If she knows that our relationship is doing exactly that, all of my efforts will be for nothing."

"If you say so. You nearly done."

"Yeah," Sasuke hurriedly put his comb down and began brushing his teeth. 

"Good," Itachi replied. "Because I'm outside your apartment."

"What?" yelped Sasuke, spitting out the toothpaste and water, and running to the window. Sure enough there was a jet black Mercedes outside with the Uchiha crest emblazoned on the doors. 

A doorbell rung throughout the whole apartment, and now Sasuke could hear his brother's chuckles in person. He exited the apartment quietly. "Very funny, surprising me like that."

"I know," Itachi's eyes sparkled in amusement. "C'mon, let's go. We're late."


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